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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. I think George Stephanaluffugus is a tool. I love Jon Stewart. He is not a tool. Rove is an entire box of tools.
  2. This is where discourse surfaces. We all perceive each candidate as having different ideas of what they think is best for the country. I don't know. I think I would prefer energetic, sometimes hateful, discourse vs. apathy. Conflict is necessary. Uh, no. And we'll forget Bush's blunders if Obama's elected? Uh, no. Launch pad to hell is what that is.
  3. see Ron Paul for minding our own bidness. I agree that we need to fix within instead of abroad. It seems that the Dems are beginning to trend toward this. I know for sure the Reps are not. He's a tool.
  4. Dude (ette), once again we are placed in a position to search our archives for information that surfaced several years ago. Hey, I've moved on to thinking about the present and the future, especially in terms of the economy and our foreign presence. Get your google on or hope someone here bookmarked some shit for you.
  5. They intend to use him of an example of what a president should not do. Yeah, I agree, I was completely surprise he got a second go around. Part of that was the Dems political ineptness, maybe some voter fraud, and a large portion of the country still punches their chats based on talking points regarding religious issues. Obama's campaign seems to be doing a decent job of targeting the religious crowd, however, the concept of racism is a new one and it will require a second non-Anglo campaign to actually discuss that. The tie may work this time due to the economy. It appears the economy ($)
  6. I watch it to understand the backwards 'talking points'. It's a real bonus if I see She-man Coulter.
  7. Looking ahead to next week, which I will watch with equal passion as this week, the Republicans have some interesting sideshows going on. Rage will be there for what that is worth. More importantly, Ron Paul will be rocking out. I wonder if Jesse the Body, I mean Governor, will be there. http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Ron_Paul_pla...on_to_0610.html Ron Paul planning parallel convention to send GOP a 'strong message' in MinneapolisNick Juliano After being denied a speaking slot at the Republican convention this summer, former candidate Rep. Ron Paul, who is not supporting GOP nominee John M
  8. Second that. That was great. I remember watching that saying to myself, "should I be watching this? does the gubment know this is being aired?" At that time the pressure to support the war was still heavy and to oppose it made you one of the evildoers. Ballsy.
  9. And Saudi Arabia. And when Bushie said let's go to war in Iraq, those of us with critical thinking skills said, "huh?" If you can define action as covert ops, yes. The use of troops to patrol civilians has netted some deaths of some higher up terrorists, but at what expense to our stance as a nation worldwide.
  10. Again, we agree. The other parties failed miserably in providing an alternative. It is hard to compete with the big two. It just seems that the GOP is going one way (oil and imperialism) and the Donks the other (alt. energy linked with American innovation and production). They both have campaign promises. To say neither will follow through is part our fault as citizens. Me and you are involved in trying to understand it, but this pales in comparison to the 70% that has no consideration for what is going on in America.
  11. I'm scrolling down to ketchup (ha) and you continue to show that you've been out of communication with the world for a long time or you are following Dub's reading list...nothing. "...duh, I never read the paper, I got all these smart people around me to advise me, huh huh." Oh, I just remembered the acronym, "WMD". Does this ring a bell? Lie? or 'misguided by intel'?
  12. Shit, Bob, after all this conflict we've found something we agree on.
  13. Dude(or ette): We are not going to teach you about the last 5-6 years of history. Go spend some time in your local library and step away from the message board. No, but we are talking about the election and John ain't in it, so get on point. If you came up with that, yer good. That really is funny.
  14. Looks like someone has been listening to alternative radio instead of following the news for, at least, the last 4 years.
  15. So we should not only continue to do shitty stuff, we should do with the the utmost disrespect of the laws that govern our country? We should do this on all levels. Yes, the AG's office was full of patsies to overlook illegal acts among the hiring of employees throughout the central gov't. I just can't wait until they get Karl Rove's dumbass on the stand. They've failed in the past and I fear this situation with the AG will be swept under the rug due to the concentration on the election.
  16. To show future politicians, especially the Prez., that they cannot rewrite laws to line pocketbooks of oil companies and the defense industry at the expense of tax dollars and the lives of American soldiers and foreign civilians. A little more important that telling the prez he can't get his knob slobbed in office.
  17. Yeah, get on board, let's ride.
  18. Newsflash: he ain't on the ticket. Keep up. Oh, until the Enquirer proves me wrong, he is still married to his wife.
  19. I hoped to clarify that the McCain name was well established, respected. John the Maverick seemed to parallel W's bio. I don't think it is abnormal to fight the expectations of our fathers, especially when they are higher ups in the military, CIA, government, etc. It must be rough. But we are comparing two people. We are pulling out all the stops. In this particular situation, John was able to cash his crony checks in regard to graduating from the Naval academy and wrecking planes. While Obama has the sappy American tale of rugged individualism. In this sense, I relate. I struggle as many of u
  20. Which makes me laugh that Bob Barr is running on the Libertarian ticket. It also shows some discrepancy of why we should push for impeachment. Bush has signed a gajillion signing statements that are utter bull and Slick Willie get his cigar licked? Yeah, impeach the guy that cheated on his wife vs. the guy that completely sold out his entire country.
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