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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. Political discourse with respect...at its best.
  2. Hey, if you are running for president you should expect to get your gaffe parsed. Why shouldn't we examine who is going to be at the helm? Your personal life does reveal your character. If Bush has done one thing positive it has made some, though still not enough, people aware that political elections matter.
  3. Radio Nowhere, Youngstown, Devils & Dust, and Tenth Ave. were the highlights for me. What a night. Dylan on Thursday. Yes.
  4. And her accent ain't American either. She and Longface looked pretty uncomfortable together last night during their DNC interview. It's not just their net worth, it's what they came from. McCain's family seems to have opened doors to the military...and kept them open. Cindy was born rich. McCain married the money. His oil lobby booty is much greater than Barry's. Shit, no, potential US presidential candidate is going to free of lobby money, but perhaps we can differentiate to the extent they accept it and how their stance is affected. Michelle told the Obama's story last night. She may ha
  5. My apologies I will try to be as boring as possible from now on. Republicans Who Happen to Not Exercise Good Judgement.
  6. Duh I apologize for my misguided attempt to interject humor in a ridiculous political move that should backfire. not
  7. What the hell is Cindy's trip to Georgia going to prove? Oh, yeah. Dick Cheney is en route as well. I think they are boinking each other. You know Dick will get off on the danger of that mission. Boinking Frankenstein's wife while citizens of another country struggle to gather money to buy more weapons from US. Hot action. Go get'm Dick.
  8. Oops, I thought your name was Auckland. Honest mistake. The fact that they are willing to inherit the GOP's f ups is honorable, to me. With that in mind, in shouldn't be too difficult to, at least, do a little better. The baseline is pretty low right now. They, we all acknowledge the world is shitty right now. Getting elected requires acknowledging that and providing ideas to change. This is a contentious point, since McCain, Graham can't even acknowledge our economic woes.
  9. He isn't that old and is that a problem? Insider? Joe is not an 'insider' if what you mean is on the corporate teet. He is experienced and happens to understand DC. Is that bad? My idea is not of radical retooling of the gov't but more of not having the Retardicans continue to fleece us and a more populist idea of governing.
  10. Joe is a badass. I love that pick. I hope the Maverick picks Mitt. What a tool.
  11. Hey, just make your comment, you don't have to seek acceptance here. What's the consensus on the election from the Aussie press?
  12. Iran on the 6th China on the 7th Russia on the 8th Venezuala on the 9th Cuba on the 10th U.S. on the 11th, oh wait they've already ruined US. Sure hope Barry gets to thwart the WW.
  13. Joe Biden is the man, man. What a great speech.
  14. fatheadfred

    I fear

    Of course this is subjective...Jeff is kind of clumsy with his axe, at times this is good, like on ALTWYS. I love that shit. Butt, overall Nels is about 5 levels about ol' Jeffy. Lap and electric and whatever else he pulls out. He is good as shit. And when you consider a live performance, no way Jeff could sing and play near as good as the current lineup. We love Nels.
  15. Good movie. Dylan is a turrible actor, but it is fun to see him. Mine is Josey Wales, "...buzzards gotta eat, same as worms." After Clint shoots a douchebag in the forehead and spit chaw juice on him. or... Wooderson walking into the Emporium with the Hurricane escort. sultry, sweaty stuff there.
  16. Maybe with a band that draws a variety of peeps this will happen. Some wanna rock, some wanna be sober, some wanna get plowed, swg orchestral, swg anal about their personal space........blah blah blah Yeah, I vote for the sweaty orgy, too.
  17. Mahoney has a story once a year and is usually looking drunk while reporting it...looks like he flubbed on this one too. I forgot he still 'worked' around here.
  18. later I am hoping this plan is another promise that goes undone. Perhaps regulation is easier, quicker and still allows for some creative private ownership of healthcare vs. the gov't taking over and screwing it up.
  19. fatheadfred

    I fear

    I couldn't hold it back. Why do we rank their albums anyway? Each one has its place for what we are feeling. Just listen to the shit, don't control it by categorizing it.
  20. What doesn't go up 15% per year? Health care is exceptional at inflating. Wonder why? Pharmaceuticals are increasing more than 15% and lots of people use them. Our food quality sucks. Our health sucks. It is depressing to think of our main industries in the US.
  21. It seems now that it is the only way to get coverage for 'risk' applicants, e.g. cancer in remission. Our 'company' cannot turn away an employee for health insurance vs. that same person walking in off the street. In this sense it is good that employers offer it. They also claim a lower cost due to buying power with a large group.
  22. LSD was a good thing until the hangers on got a hold of it. There is a good documentary on Haight Ashbury that discuss ego development and LSD. Any drug taken without experience or notion of dosage is harmful. LSD can be positive, similar to ecstasy and mary jane and coca leaves (jury's out on powder and rock but I am thinking, not such a good thing).
  23. There once was a rumor that Hilary was entrenched with a Socialist group in San Fran. btw, Socialists are evil. ha. The Pete Seeger documentary shows how humanistic these 'evildoers' are. Like someone else said, yeah I would vote FOR him due to the association. Fight the power. Guns, too, cuz if a Dem is elected guns will be illegal, or so they say.
  24. Cubed on Comedy Central. Not this extremely stoopid reach: http://www.suntimes.com/news/huntley/11207...-hunt22.article Obama's got a lot in common with Bush August 22, 2008Recommend (11) STEVE HUNTLEY shuntley.cst@gmail.com On the eve of the Democratic convention, consider a contrarian idea: How Barack Obama is like President Bush. Won't back down. The Iraq War is central to the political fortunes of both. Bush's presidency will be judged by it. Obama's early opposition to it was crucial in his defeat of Hillary Clinton. At key times, Bush and Obama stubbornly followed policies
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