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Everything posted by RaspberryJam

  1. Can you stow away to New Haven too???!!!
  2. I hit the ladies right when Spiders starts. Late in the first set, while it is building, always make it back before Nels goes at it. ALWAYS works, especially if I work my way back front with a "sorry, I have a place further, so sorry, I'm going to keep moving, excuse me, sorry."
  3. Putting the kids to bed NOW. Last night was too much fun!
  4. Me too, I didn't think I'd make the whole thing!
  5. Yeah, it's not bad, it's one of those shows you can't miss or you loose all of the story line. my husband got me into it. yeah, i missed too many of those.
  6. I'm watching Jerico during the break.
  7. There's something about people who get Wilco AND Chubby Hubby!
  8. I wish my laptop has better speakers. Alas.
  9. This is so great! I haven't heard radio cure live before.
  10. This is so much better than American Idol! Sooooo Sesame Street!
  11. Awesome! I wish they had some way to see the scale. There's no way to see how giant they really are. Really beautiful regardless!
  12. NNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I dodged a bullet by seeing them right after his bout with the chicken pox. Oh please Concert Gods, no illnesses for Wilco! Alison, good luck with the promotion!
  13. Please, I'm begging you all going to the residency, please don't give it to the band. I'm living for Sunday night in New Haven!
  14. 3 of us had it, my daughter first--104 degree fever, then me during the super bowl and a few days after, then my husband with a fever for a week, and generally sick for another. I have known him for over 20 years and have never seen him this sick. I knew he was really feeling bad when he missed 4 days of work, he never misses work. Tons of people I know here in the Hartford area have it. Lots of fluids, eat some protein if you can. A spoonful of honey can help a cough. My friend swears by oscillium (sp?--you get it at the health food store). My husband only just got his sense of smell
  15. I noticed that when I got my issue. Love that fricken' magazine.
  16. Alas, was not meant to be. Congrats! Have a great time all! See some of you in New Haven!
  17. I know its a total long shot to win, but I wish they would notify today. I would have a lot of arrangements to make. flights, childcare, etc.
  18. I agree with you Laura. While I say I'm taking my kids to the Pines show if they have one, I'm planning on laying the blanket out in the back. The front is no place for little kids.
  19. If the play the Pines Theater this summer, I'm considering bring my 5 and 6 year olds. It could infringe on my good time. It isn't all about me me me. Is it? No, really, is it???!!!
  20. I hate to be this person, but, when I first saw it I thought, "Why on earth would someone make a Richard Nixon pillow?"
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