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Basil II

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Everything posted by Basil II

  1. "Palin is the ultimate pushy Avon lady...." -Robert
  2. Paul Wellstone.......but he's.......DEAD!!! -Robert.
  3. "ostrich burgers.......mmmmm!!!! -Robert
  4. Alaskan Independence party........is no Bull Moose Party!!!! -Robert
  5. O...M...G!!! some one's figured it out!!!! -Robert
  6. Mc Cain would not have made this pick for VP unless he has all of his ducks in a row......... the ducks are........er, I mean voting machines!!! named Ohio, Michigan,Florida and Colorado......... I guess I'm a depressed liberal...... -Robert.
  7. Basil II

    I fear

    I like this alot not only in the musical sense...........but a healing of souls and egos could take place in it's wake....... -Robert.
  8. ^You are spot on......thanks for clarifiying..... -Robert.
  9. Costco Wholesale rewarded their employees with stock this year for saving the Company money on health care costs. benifts are a reward and not a right. --Robert
  10. Basil II

    I fear

    What Wilco needs is more "Snowjobs"!!! -Robert
  11. Can you keep it down to dry humping your friends??? F**king could detract from others from enjoying the show......... -Robert
  12. I hope everyone in Spokane had a great time, the INB has excellent acoustics.........what a kick ass setlist!!!As a former Spokanite,We can probably thank Glenn for bringing Wilco there.....I was at his solo show at the Empreyean Cafe a year ago last February......at one point he adressed the standing room only crowd..."Wow, I should bring the rest of the boys next time...." we roared at that prospect!!! So It warms my heart to see that they finally made it there and to other mid sized cities like Spokane..... Did any one see any tapers???? -Robert.
  13. How about "Daydream Believer" with fuzzed out distortion,happy piano and wistful harmonies??? --Robert
  14. Oh absolutely!!!! .....hey....did you move out west?? -Robert.
  15. Due to work constraints,I was unable to go to this.........but I was beside myself when these guys got back together to tour again.........hopefully, an album and live recordings will result!!!! btw A-Man......It was me that shipped the grooves thoe many years ago..... -Robert.
  16. no particular order...... Minutemen--Three Way Tie (for last...) Ramones --Too Tough To Die Richard Hawley--Cole's Corner Fleetwood Mac--Say You Will Friends of Dean Martinez--A Place In The Sun Terry Reid--River The Weakerthans--Reconstruction Site Maqiladora--Ritual of Hearts Doug Martsch--Now You Know... The Dream Sydicate--Live at Raji's --Robert
  17. I'm probably goin' to the Sept. 26, at the the Moore!!!! -Robert.
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