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Basil II

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Everything posted by Basil II

  1. here,here!!!! motion seconded! -robert.
  2. waiter.........................there's a 'shroom in my tea!!!! -Robert.
  3. I am Cars Can't Escape......... -Robert.
  4. Would this be a good time to break out the "BBB" aka "Bring Back Bennett" petition????? -Robert.
  5. "little Earthquakes" is a keeper....... -Robert.
  6. damn........renal cancer ,just not pretty. a good man he was.....RIP Lee -Robert.
  7. CCR-debut record Animals-Animalism The Faces-Five Guys Walk In A Bar...... Wilco-Mermaid Avenue Volume II Kingston Trio-The New Frontier --kinda a retro kick ,I know......... -Robert.
  8. No one in late night has touched Tom.........now or since..........where's the F'ing box set??? -Robert.
  9. truely a gentleman and one of the greats.......RIP, Bill. -Robert.
  10. underrated- Cars Can't Escape ,Too Far Apart and BD 49th Beard overrated- most of AGIB. -Robert.
  11. such savagery is uncomprensible....... -Robert.
  12. people hate it simply because it is wholly a Jay Bennett composition........I really like it and wish Jeff would go back to it. -Robert.
  13. No love for "Cars Can't Escape"???? -arguably, my favorite Wilco song on so many levels...... -robert.
  14. I see ........Wilco themed parties in your future........... -Robert.
  15. I wuz at the Winthrop Blues Festival this past weekend............. Eric Burdon was the headliner........WOW! he is truly undergoing a renaissance of sorts........ NP his record from 2004,"My Secret Life" -Robert.
  16. "Planet Earth 1988" --The Ramones -Robert.
  17. "Remember The Mountain Bed" is one of my all time favorites to be sung by Jeff..... \\-Robert.
  18. Yes- Too Close To The Edge Ray Manzarek's version of Carmina Burana Bill Frisell- Blues Dream pretty much anything by Morphine...... -robert.
  19. IMO......this really has not proven to be true. why? melody is king -Robert.
  20. yeah.....I 've been singing this to myself alot lately...... hey De-gen-rex......hope all is good. -Robert.
  21. (whacks your knuckles with a catholic ruler) Go back and watch the wilco Rockaplast 1999show. -Robert.
  22. Where Bennett kicks tweedy's ass......and produces a masterpiece. -Robert.
  23. visit Tractor tavern and the Triangle Tavern yeah..... -Robert.
  24. the Long Ryders "State of our Union" good shit..........the band that led me to UT. -Robert.
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