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Basil II

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Everything posted by Basil II

  1. Bottom line..... I'm happy that Jay's contribution to Wilco has elicted this much response .............Jay was Jeff's beutaiful crutch when he needed it ............and we have BT,ST, and YHF to thank for it..... -Roberrt.
  2. Your video project has meant soooo much to me in being to be able to spread Wilco's Music......... --Robert.
  3. Dude.....welcome,jion in the fray...... -Robert.
  4. I'm thinking probably that disc of Palace demos...... -Robert.
  5. remember........Jay's not on A.M......he joined upon it's completion. -Robert.
  6. -The Palace At A.M -The Beloved Enemy -The Magnificent Defeat and two others which names escapes me.... -Robert.
  7. I'm probably the Biggest JB fan here.......but uhmmmmmmm.... -Robert.
  8. hey Crowjack, cut loose and do what you will ......it's yer effen' B-DAY!!!! -Robert.
  9. Thanks Mr. Rain........ but I am anti-mp3 material......... -robert..
  10. this is ......really .....REEALLY....good news!!!!! -Robert. If any one has any and all live Eyes Adrift shows..........let's work something out.... -Robert.
  11. pay up,Mike.......$$$$ -Robert.
  12. If you like a good stiff German dark beer with peat/Wood smoke..........it's damn tasty!!!! -Robert
  13. Turntables are quiet tonight....... WILCO 11-13-04 San Jose,CA -Robert.
  14. And vynyl record sales are UP........from 3 to about 9 percent last year........if there is a hint of a market,some one will supply product...... -robert.
  15. "The Best Of The Raspberries" The song "Tonight" is an absolute gem of 70's power pop............ -Robert.
  16. Cabernet by Foppiano Winery....... -Robert.
  17. wow.....I could see Wilco doing this as well....... -Robert.
  18. Last time I checked........ Jay Bennett's no longer in the band. -Robert.
  19. PUT IT IN BOLD CAPS TOO!!!!! -Robert.
  20. John Stewart --"California Bloodlines" -Robert.
  21. He was that.........even though "Gold" was a commercial highlight,I consider his mid to late 70's output almost unlistenable.... -Robert.
  22. Jay Bennett's input couda.......oh don't mind me........... -Robert.
  23. Some else HERE who knows WHO the f*ck John Stewart is???? Color me impressed!!!! 0Robert.
  24. I'll give you that.......but "Street Legal"??? -Robert.
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