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Everything posted by ction

  1. I think we should all just agree to agree on this one.
  2. I'm just trying to rank them as accurately as possible. Sorry.
  3. I thought nobody liked me because I was an asshole...
  4. Are you scared you'll have to update your signature?
  5. This is the thread where we all rank the Wilco studio albums in the order they were released. I'll go first: AM BT ST YHF AGIB SBS I'm anxious to see the rest of your replies.
  6. If I were to win several hundred million dollars, one thing I would do would be to organize a huge VC meeting extravaganza with lots of booze, music, etc. And then I would unfortunately not be able to make it.
  7. anatomy of a dumb joke: caliber66 - "no need to blame Jay for Wilco's perceived engineering shortcomings of the past." me - "We can all agree to blame Jay for AM though, right?" the "joke" being that AM was recorded before Jay Bennett was in the band, and to blame him for its shortcomings (I happen to love the album, many here don't) would be rather dumb. like me. ...and scene.
  8. We can all agree to blame Jay for AM though, right?
  9. I'm sure some people like Yngwie Malmsteen better than Bob Stinson. I don't.
  10. I'm surprised you could type that with both fingers up your nose, Tubby. Add two points to your dexterity.
  11. Doesn't it suck how that kid always seems to end up more successful than the kids who made fun of him?
  12. I once knew a guy named Ben who would "dance" like a gorilla when he got angry.
  13. Hey...isn't that Kelly Clarkson's new bass player?
  14. I think you're supposed to enjoy this album as a hole.
  15. You should wear a life vest and carry around an oar the next time you listen to that stream of yours.
  16. No, you're totally wrong. The rip I have could not be from the stream. Your rip is from the stream.
  17. I hope you're not sharing this, because that vbr rip of yours sounds like shit. The 320 aac rip is the best I've heard, by far.
  18. ction

    Sky Blue Sky

    In general, I like you Stu, but listening to Wilco is serious business.
  19. ction

    Sky Blue Sky

    Now that I've heard the album, I have to say that I agree with the people who say _______________, and that anyone who doesn't ________________ is a total f**king ________________.
  20. ction

    Sky Blue Sky

    ? Wrong Chicago band, dude. P.S. I have now listened to the entire album.
  21. ction

    Sky Blue Sky

    This thread gets 4 gold stars. P.S. I haven't heard the album yet, although I did listen to the first 3 songs that leaked (two times each).
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