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Everything posted by ction

  1. Your tastes are pedestrian and lean towards the mainstream. I bet you also owned the Jackson's Victory album too, didn't you?
  2. Riptide - The complete first season on DVD
  3. Here is my awkward and self-conscious "Happy Birthday, gogo" post.
  4. The Faces box set, if you're feeling greedy. Every Picture Tells a Story, if you're not feeling greedy.
  5. I enjoyed your review (I even commented). That was an incredible show. I'll send you a PM w/ the torrent link - I don't know if it's ok to post or not...
  6. I like you kid, but you've been reported.
  7. He introduced some legislation on this a few years ago. At the time, I remember someone on this very message board pointing out that "the republicans are trying to start up the draft again! OMG!"
  8. Lucero - Alley Katz, Richmond VA 11/15/06 again, and again, and again.
  9. And Tom Petty made the best video ever ("You Got Lucky"...w/ the Mad Max Heartbreakers).
  10. I've always looked at Mellencamp in the same way I look at Tom Petty - they each have a lot of really good songs that I can go years without hearing. But when I do hear them, they sound good.
  11. caliber's opinion on this would be infinitely more valid if he didn't own Avril Lavigne's first album.
  12. [/image of a monkey fucking a football]
  13. Clearly, the potential Webb victory in VA marks a shift in attitudes and prejudices...only 57% of my fellow Virginians approved a state constitutional ammendment to ban same-sex marriages. Maybe one day soon I'll be able to proudly tell people that only half the people in my state approve of government endorsed discrimination based solely on sexual preference!
  14. The youngest kid, right after his audition for Stryper.
  15. 2007. If they can't follow the lead of 24 (a full season aired straight through with no re-runs, no off weeks), then at least they're doing the next best thing. Last year's schedule was painful.
  16. Didn't Chuck Berry write most of his own songs though? I can think of a lot of examples of guys who at least co-wrote a bunch of their hits, pre-Beatles.
  17. Seriously. I can't wait to read people's complaints about something new.
  18. I literally jumped, like up in the air, when Novak's kick curved back through the uprights. I may have also squealed.
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if HR didn't know he was playing with them while he was playing with them.
  20. I can't imagine HR is sane enough to front a regularly recording/touring version of Bad Brains. I hope I'm wrong. More archival footage being released is a very good thing, though. I also wish I could find a picture of him from last month's CBGB show, wearing a motorcycle helmet and looking like a grade A wingnut.
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