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Everything posted by ction

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inuits
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phuket
  3. "Does anyone know Glenn's birthday?!?!?!"
  4. See you all there! I'm bringing waffles and a pony keg of fun.
  5. In my experience, most of the people (who aren't me) who use Blockbuster also use the DVDs they rent as coasters, pizza trays, hockey pucks, urinal cakes, etc. Seriously, at least half of the stuff I'd rent had scratches significant enough that I could not get them to play correctly.
  6. Yeah, well you're a proxy.
  7. Does the RIAA actually take a cut of album sales? I thought they were a trade association.
  8. If literally no one buys music, I doubt anyone (RIAA labels or not) would be willing to make albums. But that has nothing to do with how sorry I feel for the poor RIAA and its members, who are having a hard time making as much profit as they used to. Because that's sad.
  9. I kinda feel bad for the RIAA and its members. It must be hard for them, not to have it be like the good ol' days anymore (where they had consumers paying an $18 list price for CDs and ripping off the artists).
  10. I meant to type "Sheets", and I don't even like Oprah. I'd quit the board in protest of this mockery, but I'm afraid that would make too many people happy.
  11. Season 3.2 is really pretty good so far.
  12. Re: Ted Leo..."Sons of Cain" and "Who Do You Love?" are my favorites so far. I am a big fan of his guitar when it sounds like the unholy love child of Gary Moore (or whoever played for Thin Lizzy),Billy Bragg and Paul Weller. My comments should also probably be taken with a grain of salt, since I'm apparently the only person who lists Shake the Streets as their favorite Ted Leo album.
  13. They should get the dude from the Rifles.
  14. So, catching an mp3 from the trading pool is a lot like catching herpes from the dating pool?
  15. I wouldn't mind a t-shirt, if that's what you're asking...
  16. I hope to hell this only leaks in FLAC.
  17. I only listen to sound waves I've personally captured at shows (in specially crafted mason jars).
  18. I think Vic Ruggiero is one of the most underrated songwriters around. And that album is filled with classic songs.
  19. Let me know if you still need a link. I feel I must help a fellow Terrier.
  20. We just got a DVR because of that (well, one of the reasons).
  21. I take it you weren't a fan of the Sunkist version of Good Vibrations?
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