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Everything posted by VenusStopsTrain2

  1. Oh yes, I heard about that...about a year ago I think. There are some organizations that do that. Try to match up people and milk for their babies.
  2. Looking forward to your book lmao Thanks Jen That answered my question!
  3. Ok cause all our gas stations have a sticker that says that...so I was surprised when they didn't say that down in StL
  4. So you actually shrunk yours? I uploaded one night on there without shrinking and ran out of space! It's nice remembering all those photos and how I kept getting angry with Pat cause he wouldn't hold still!
  5. Sorry I'm from Illinois..our tax here is stupid crazy and so when I go to work (in Iowa) I get gas there...but Illinois in my area has 89 cheaper too...I'll have to start keeping track of where it's different. Do you have ethanol in your gas or not?
  6. Maybe someone is donating a surgery? I mean geez all those other people who go on tv on Discovery Health get stuff done why not you too. Totally kidding! Are wet nurses even found around here? Aren't they just in other countries? Really wondering about this.
  7. That thing rocks. Does the baby sleep in it too? There looks like you have tons of storage. The bibs and booties were from Ms. Three Dollars and 63 cents! She picked out some cute stuff! It's bad the first time I typed that I entered 'The boobs' oops!
  8. I paid $3.78 today but it cost more when I was in St Louis...they don't have ethanol in their gas? I buy 89 it's usually cheapest, except in StL
  9. If the price gets to be that high I'll be figuring out how to work from home...
  10. That wasn't elbowing..that was 'oh let me sit my butt on the ground and scoot back til i hit the wall...these people won't notice. NOT! I don't care what it was..she was annoying and so was he...lol why didnt anything happen to him?
  11. Aside from the crazy guy on Fri who was smoking a cigar and burned the lady behind us...
  12. I didn't mind the repeats. I know several of them by sound but not the actual words so I was learning a lot while we went along. It was a great time and my request was played on Saturday and that was exciting Plus i got my wish from Friday night of getting to see the Nudie suit..when he wore it on Saturday night! YAY for Nudie!
  13. Well he should get off his duff and come ask who people are. We don't want him to keep crying after he meets us we just want to find him. Also, we couldn't find Oceanman, there wasn't any naked bearded guys running around!
  14. Well if he keeps crying we'll find him in line today.
  15. Dude I should have thrown my empty Smirnoffs bottle..I have good aim and we were RIGHT there. Seriously...we should have gotten Three Dollars' earplugs out to begin with....I was tired and they were making me sleepy and annoyed..and you could hear EVERYONE talking behind us....plus they didn't even engage anyone..they just stared at their instruments! I don't know how we will cope with 2 more nights....i'm considering buying a booklight and bringing a book to read during their time!
  16. She soooo yelled that and NOONE came over to talk to her...it was very disappointing. Well we were at the beginningish of the line and noone approached us...so it's his own fault.
  17. Really? You are such a slacker. Of course because of unusual circumstances neither Three dollars nor myself will be able to listen to the webcast on our computers either...darn it all.
  18. Three dollars says, "Sweet" and I'm a little scared
  19. Well that song does get annoying...especially since it was so overplayed. I like her music but I don't listen to it constantly...i have to be in the right mood. But I like the style, although it's getting a bit annoying how many female artists there are RIGHT NOW that all sound the same. I have a list going with a friend on this, and we keep emailing as we discover more of them. But if you live in Chicago...it's free you should check it out and let me know what you think of her other work. I'd be interested to hear.
  20. So I see we have at least one taper coming to St Louis..do we have more then one? If you are taping, are you there all 3 nights? Yes sorry lots of questions, just interested in having this to listen to later on as well as sharing with friends who cannot make it. And thanks to all the faithful tapers who attend the shows and do ALL the necassary work for the rest of us to enjoy later on! YOU ROCK!
  21. May 15 - Opening Ceremonies for the Daley Plaza Farmer's Market with KT Tunstall Featuring a special live acoustic performance by KT Tunstall in celebration of XRT
  22. I'm not sure how much it costs for just that to be done...b/c when I checked the pricing last week for my stereo plus that to be installed it was around $70 i think. If you PM me your car info and what your stereo is I will ask on Monday when I go back to work.
  23. You could try a cassette adapter if you have that ability in your vehicle. I have an FM transmitter and it works great except for when I go to Chicago...it's difficult to find a channel. I keep meaning to get my other stereo put in my car, because they are able to do an add on that you'd just plug your ipod into, no fm transmitter necassary..but i keep forgetting to do it when i get paid.
  24. Have you tried creating playlists? You could either create a bunch of playlists on your computer and then have a few on your iPod and switch them every so often or you can set them all on your iPod, depending on the space you have available. Maybe if you had some mixes ready to go you'd feel better about it. Or shuffle is good, if you have the time and know which songs you don't want to hear and shuffle and set them to skip when you have shuffle on. I had to go through and de-select all my Wilco live stuff because last week I heard Walken live 2 times in a row and then later on same day I
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