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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Not exactly. To be justified in using deadly force, he had to reasonably believe it was necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself. But as you've pointed out, it's apparent that Zimmerman believed so. Getting his head hit against he concrete would seem to meet that threat. Whether or not he disregarded police advice to not follow him is irrelevant, because Zimmerman's act of following Trayvon wasn't illegal. The people who think the legal outcome was wrong just need to read the Florida stand your ground law. After reading it, it's hard to imagine the case turni
  2. "Metropolitan division" was the best (and only new) name they could come up with?
  3. I think it's pretty safe to say that "gettin knifes pulled on you by every mexican you run into!" is a racist (or intolerant, uneducated, prejudiced, xenophobic, etc.) statement. Unless he's just a humorist, in which case it's safe to say he's hilarious.
  4. Could be that being the neighborhood watch guy, he was the point person to relay calls to the police?
  5. His initial phone call doesn't match up the way he presents the timeline of events in the video-walkthrough. You'd think he'd say something about "I don't know what street I'm on - I need to check the address", but he never does. Instead he says something about "he's running, They always get away." In the video, he says he doesn't know where TM went, but in the call, he's describing where he went, and he's following him...
  6. I enjoyed this a lot. Spent a week on the Isle of Skye a few years back. So beautiful.
  7. I know she is known to be a good guitarista, but that particular performance reeks of air guitar. Unless she is just playing over the backing track?
  8. Neither does Charo, who plays it better than Roy Clark does.
  9. Walker's Friday holiday shenanigans pale in comparison to this shitshow.
  10. I get a kick that you've been cast as a villain in this forum, especially considering how polite you've been through it all.
  11. Adolf Hixter, haven't you realized that you stand for every conservative notion that has ever been expressed?
  12. I'll agree that Walker purposefully signed it into law on a Friday buried between a holiday and a weekend. I'm just not impressed with the idea of being outraged that he did so, as if the law is more reprehensible than it already is because of the calculated date that he signed it. And truthfully, I don't really understand "the game" of signing it on that Friday, vs the other six days he could have signed it on. Can someone explain that to me? Is there a range of bad-to-good dates?
  13. I am a liberal voter and even I don't find it suspicious. Hell, I'm impressed that he was working on a holiday weekend. Like I said, the legislature approved it and signed off on it in mid-June. That's plenty of notice for the people of WI. Whether or not the public notices is besides the point - because all of this is public information anyway. Walker just put his stamp on it. Obviously he wasn't going to veto it. The fact that he didn't sign it into effect the moment it hit his desk is what surprises me.
  14. At least the Beibs had the common sense not to pick it up and raise it over his head, unlike Jim Belushi. (somehow Jim Belushi was on the ice after the Cup Clincher, and he raised the Cup over his head! WTF?!)
  15. Not to defend Walker - but he's merely signing off on something that was already passed by Wisconsin legislature, right? What does it matter which date he does it on? He signed it 3 weeks after it passed, so it's not as if he's ramming it through without due process... Perhaps 3 weeks is the minimum amount of time required to pass before a WI Governor can sign a law into effect?
  16. The NHL does have one - with NBC. Though, in recent years, it hasn't covered the fall portion of the season. Recently, the coverage has begun with the New Years Day outdoors game, and then they show a weekly Saturday matinee game until the end of the season.
  17. Hey man, is that Stepmom Rock? Well turn it up man!!
  18. http://deadspin.com/what-those-two-goals-in-17-seconds-were-like-at-one-chi-575193140?autoplay=1
  19. Hidalgo fan here - Anyone have more words on his set? Songlist?
  20. I didn't warm up to Lullabies immediately, but when I listen to it now, I enjoy it so much all the way through - I think it's a really strong record. Like Shakespeare in the Alley, it might be my favorite.
  21. I've been a big fan of Summit Extra Pale Ale (brewed in St. Paul, MN) for over 20 years. It was the first microbrew I was ever introduced to. Current favorites include Bell's Two Hearted, and Half Acre Daisy Cutter
  22. I've been listening to it a lot lately. It's definitely my favorite of the year so far. Can we start a Rank the QOTSA albums? Best: Songs for the Deaf Next (in no particular order): Lullabies, R, Like Clockwork Not quite: Self -titled, Era Vulgaris
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