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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Oh. Right. Change. Didn't he campaign on that five years ago? Better late than never I suppose.
  2. I have friends who fit your description, and basically yes, that's what they are saying. They think that legal freedoms are on an unchanging path upwards - the rights of the repressed are improving steadily as time marches forward. They are not moving backwards. Nationwide gay marriage rights is going to happen. But a bad fiscal policy could set us back and ruin the viability of the country. I don't think you'll find many voters who would knowingly vote for something that harms themselves, but benefits others.
  3. Morrison Hotel always makes an appearance on road trips.
  4. Who could have predicted that game 4 would be a must-win for the Blackhawks? The whole series pivots on game 4, methinks. Whoever wins it will take the series.
  5. Shitty call against the Hawks on the goalie interference... Followed by an amazing shot by Datsyuk. Great Series so far.
  6. I thought they actually DID buy a Greek Island, but sold it shortly thereafter.
  7. The Blackhawks are so much better in every category than the Red Wings, except in best individual player, which I say is Datsyuk. But he wasn't a factor last night. Kind of a sloppy game the first two periods - no good scoring chances for the Wings, a couple for the Blackhawks. But then Chicago opened it up in the 3rd by taking advantage on terrible breakdowns on Detroit defence. If Detroit can't earn a split in these first two games (and that is a tall order), this series is done in 5 at the most. I'm predicting Chicago takes both home games, gets a split in Detroit, then wraps up at hom
  8. When I go to a Blackhawks game, (and I've only been to maybe 4-5 total), I always dream of being able to get a DINO SUCKS chant going, like the good old days. I wonder how many fans remember the DINO SUCKS days... Tonight I've got the retro Wings sweater at the ready, the white pants to complete the outfit, planning on a double cheeseburger from Au cheval for the pre-game festivities. Very psyched for the game tonight
  9. What kind of fancy pants black tie party are they playing at? What are the front two looking at? The girl looks absolutely bored. She's the antithesis of Townshend's expression.
  10. Last time Wings faced the Blackhawks in the playoffs was 4 years ago: http://www.youtube.com/embed/KBmdIOPBWNw
  11. I couldn't find any pics of Rudolph Schenker without a Flying V.
  12. Amazing stats on pitchers Mets have drafted since 1982. Of the 766 pitchers they've drafted, only 44 have ever pitched in a single game for the Mets, and only 33 have ever won at least 1 game.
  13. Woo hoo! Just found out I'm going to game 1!
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