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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. If Pottery Barn wants to send their catalogues to Nome, Alaska, they'll find a way. That's what's wonderful about free markets - the inefficiencies always create opportunities to make a better, cost-effective service or product. If one company won't deliver to Nome, another one will step in because they see the opportunity. There's always a work-around. There's always an innovative solution around the corner. Not that I'm advocating privitization of the USPS... But I would say maybe 10% of the mail I get isn't ripped in half and tossed before I even open the envelope. I could do with les
  2. https://store.usps.com/store/browse/category.jsp?categoryId=catBuyStamps&categoryNavIds=catBuyStamps
  3. Hamilton's 2012 .930 OPS was good enough for 5th in the AL, and was the 2nd highest total of his career. If that's something to get bitter about, I wish I could get that bitter about more Tigers.
  4. Today, the best thing about his wikipedia page is that the reference to those two club hits has been excised.
  5. The best thing about Rodriguez's wikipedia page is that it makes reference to two club hits, Ecuador and Adelante - that feature another Rodriguez entirely.
  6. Well, they did run away with it two years ago, but got beat in the ALCS. Last year, they scraped by, but got to the WS. That's the first time they've made the post-season in two consecutive years since the 30s. A higher win percentage within the division isn't the goal - the goal is the WS.
  7. I don't think the situation in China is akin to being given a pass. It's more like how exactly do you stop a juggernaut like China from polluting the fuck out of the world? Good luck.
  8. Nice article on Weaver. One of the first computer games I got was Earl Weaver baseball. Loved that game because it allowed me to just manage.
  9. Oh - I just realized I was looking at the difference in households, not individuals.
  10. http://www.fns.usda.gov/fns/data.htm Just under 1,000,000 were added from Oct 2011 - Sept 2012. That works out to a little less than 3,000/day. (not that that's a "good" stat - just not as dire as you were told) Here's an older article (by an author who doesn't understand how to use "begs the question") that shows alarming growth nationwide of food stamp applicants. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/food-stamp-use-surges-most-years-alabama-foodstamp-recipients-double-may. I would be interested in seeing those split out by state. (it's probably done so in the first link I provided, but I have
  11. Those crops won't pick themselves, and no US citizens are showing up to claim those jobs. There was a story I read last year, about 40,000 agriculture jobs posted in California - only open to U.S. citizens. They received a ridiculously low amount of applicants, like less than 100.
  12. Re: Earl Weaver... A friend of mine had a CD called "celebrities at their worst" - the tracks were uncensored rants - Shatner and a drunk John Wayne were two that I remember off the top of my head. The other I remember was a brilliant one by Earl Weaver. Someone put it to animation and posted it on youtube. Apparently it was a prank that Earl and the announcer put together to send back to the radio station. Funny stuff.
  13. There are so many sublime moments in this show. I only caught on for the recent season, and am now DVRing the random showings of previous seasons' eps. I think my current favorite episode was the season 3 finale - the montage of what Louie had to go through to make sure Christmas presents were accounted for was brilliant.
  14. Kind of circular. We killed all the natural predators, so now the deer population explodes. There's not enough resources to sustain a high deer population, so rather than introduce the natural predators back into the picture, or let nature take care of the delicate ecosystem balance itself, we HAVE to kill the deer.
  15. We have to kill them, otherwise they would die.
  16. automobiles + knives > guns? probably knives > guns? not even close. http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-7
  17. I would like to state that I'm very keen on getting into skeet shooting.
  18. Why are gun advocates afraid in the first place? Isn't gun ownership supposed to take care of that fear? And hasn't the government been limiting what we can and cannot have since the beginning?
  19. Ok, let's focus on murder via firearms, which accounted for 2/3s of homicides in 2011.
  20. Right. We're just waiting for the good guys with guns to catch up to them. And by good guys, I mean citizens, not off-duty sheriff deputies who are working security, like the San Antonio story you referenced earlier. Where are the good citizens with conceal and carry weapons - when will they stop the shooting sprees?
  21. 3 more. Kinks - Arthur Pretenders - Pretenders Waterboys - Fisherman's Blues
  22. Netherlands. Restrictive gun laws (no right to private gun ownership). Low gun homicide rate (0.2 per 100,000 people in 2010) Marijuana decriminalized. Seems like a practical model.
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