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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. And they call this place the Rock n Roll HOF because of the huh?
  2. Obama said, at least a couple times "If you want X, then Romney's your guy" - but then he didn't close it out by saying "And by the way, if you want X, that means this laundry list of bad things" Romney definitely looked stronger - whatever that may mean.
  3. I read that Girardi sat Granderson after he hit his 2nd homerun (which took him to 43, one behind Cabrera). Really classy move. Also nice of the KC fans to give Cabrera a Standing O when Leyland yanked him.
  4. Amazing finale today with As and Rangers. Would love to see the As pull off this comeback. Would also love to see the Orioles tie up the Yankees. Funny that the Tigers, with the lowest AL winning % to be in the postseason - are the only team with the luxury of resting starters to get their ducks in a row for the postseason. Go Cabrera.
  5. Here's a reasonable look at the American economy, from The Economist.
  6. That's a ridiculous conclusion. "draw on" does not mean "copy" Japan offers a good lesson on how easing, if delivered too late, results in stagnation. The Fed is obviously trying to avoid stagnation. Where do you find this shit?
  7. Cool. Thanks for the suggestion. boardgamegeek.com has been my resource for new games. We've settled in on Power Grid for when it's a family weekend. We NEVER play Agricola any more. Takes too long to set up. We never even got past the "simple" version of the game.
  8. I'd like to find the 2nd box set of Nuggets: British Empire and Beyond.
  9. Can I throw my copy paste Fed article hat into the ring? Chairman Ben S. Bernanke At the Economic Club of Indiana, Indianapolis, Indiana October 1, 2012 Five Questions about the Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy Good afternoon. I am pleased to be able to join the Economic Club of Indiana for lunch today. I note that the mission of the club is "to promote an interest in, and enlighten its membership on, important governmental, economic and social issues." I hope my remarks today will meet that standard. Before diving in, I'd like to thank my former colleague at the White House, Al
  10. There's a good book about the history of financial collapses (that is, "good" if you're into that kind of thing - economic history being something that the kids are into nowadays) called "It's Different This Time" - the thesis of which is that most bubbles that have popped have similar characteristics, with similar characteristics to the following recovery. Such so, that the smart guys have recognized the indicators, and have done well because of them. (Such as the guys who recognized the housing bubble, and short sold housing indices before the collapse, and did very well - made some MONEY, a
  11. I hate that morse code segue that sounds like a broadcast interruption before the chorus in Starman. Or that ZAOOOOOOWWW in Flying Burrito Bros' "Wheel"
  12. It's much easier to be a paid talking head - forecasting gloom and doom, rather than actually take risk by being a global macro fund manager. Oh wait, he lost millions and many employees lost their jobs because of his securities fraud. Who's paying this guy to speak???
  13. Here's the complaint. http://www.courthousenews.com/2009/05/05/Wilco.pdf I'm guessing that Bennett's lawyer didn't do his homework and Tweedy wasn't the proper party to sue for his grievances (alleged missed payments for his membership in Wilco, and no payments for appearing in IATTBYH (the film).
  14. That's what typically happens when one of the litigants to a dispute, you know, dies...
  15. Frank Zappa, You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol 2. I used to be a Zappa fanatic. I still enjoy going through the back catalog now and then, but my favorite Zappa band was the one with George Duke, Napoleon Murphy Brock, Tom Fowler, Chester Thompson, and Ruth Underwood, in the early 70s. (Covering mainly these studio albums: Apostrophe, Over-nite Sensation, and One size fits all.) Anyways, this album is from a series of three concerts in Helsinki in 1974, from which he took the guitar solo for Inca Roads and put it on the studio album. The musical talent is astounding. Roxy and Else
  16. yeah - beautiful album. excited to see them on Sunday.
  17. It's a great one- saw them do the same show in Chicago earlier this year. Such a great album.
  18. Definitely a turtle race. Tigers are 10-10 since they last shared first place with the Sox on Sept 2. (I guess that means Sox are .500 since that game too, duh). Regardless, makes every game seem like the postseason, which is exciting.
  19. When I was a kid, Kiss was my favorite band. I can't remember the last time I played anything by Kiss. Although I am always humming "Deuce" when I take my pug out for his nightly dump. Do it!!!! Baby if you're feelin good... Baby if you're feelin nice! You know your man is workin hard, he's worth a deuce!
  20. Bloodshot records birthday party!
  21. Did you think this article was useful in any way? I didn't learn anything substantive about the strike, since the author didn't bother to write about anything that was being fought over. I did learn that the author thinks Rahm is the city's worst mayor ever, without anything to back up the claim.
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