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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. To be fair, I do remember the McCain issue coming up in 2000, but I assume that was put out there by the same people in the Bush camp who started the whole sired-a-bastard-with-his-maid rumor. It doesn't really matter where McCain was born, because both his parents were US citizens anyway.
  2. Q: Where were you born? A: Hawaii Q: Can you prove it? A: Yes, why don't you contact the official record-keeper in Hawaii? That questioning is not racist. But when the questioning persists, after adequate documentation has been produced, where is that coming from? It's a form of prejudice, and the fact that GOP leaders do nothing to put out that fire shows the contempt they have for their own voter base.
  3. The Blasters mention motivated me to find any recent Blasters news. Apparently Phil Alvin had difficulty breathing after a show in Spain this summer... Dave Alvin update on Phil Alvin: "For all of you who've been asking, here's a short version of my brother Phil's situation: My brother did NOT have a heart attack and he is NOT in a coma. Phil had trouble breathing after a performance in Valencia, Spain last week. He was taken to a hospital where an emergency tracheotomy was performed so he could breathe. Thankfully, his vocal chords were left untouched. The reason for his breathing difficulty
  4. I dunno - most people I know say "who?" when I mention David Hidalgo.
  5. More Armstrong urban legends, this time featuring Gaylord Perry.
  6. It was hoping the link was going to point to the Mormon episode. I think I'll watch that one tonight.
  7. Does anyone give a shit about the Armstrong story out this morning? I'm conflicted - I'm worried that his Livestrong foundation will suffer as a result. He's raised so much money for cancer research - it's a shame that the fundraising will suffer as a result of the sentence from the USADA. Also - I've never liked his response to "have you ever doped" - being "I've never failed a test" His response this time "I'm not going to fight their allegations any more because I'm sick of it" Just admit it. Personally I don't care that he doped. I always suspected that he did. His achievement in fun
  8. It's easier than you think. When the dudes in the white short sleeve shirts and black ties come to my door to talk about Jesus, I tell them "It's quite alright, I'm Catholic." Do I believe in everything that Catholicism espouses? No. Am I Catholic? According to the three sacraments (baptism, communion, confirmation) I received, I am.
  9. It matters because maybe now Romney has to spend time and effort answering questions about his personal holdings that he's not quite ready to answer, and certainly doesn't want to answer. It also might affect those who are reluctant voters because of the way he's handling his own transparency. Someone who may have voted for him might decide to stay home now. But not in Lou's universe. The election is already decided.
  10. Nonsense. Florida and Ohio are still very much in play.
  11. Ah so - further down the page... Didn't get that far... Best comment I've seen so far about the list: "here is the best part about the people list, is that pitchfork basically got 1000s of ppl to, for free, create an ad platform for converse."
  12. Lots of albums on there that were "hot" when the survey was taken. Tuneyards? Girls? Gorillaz - plastic beach?? (no way that album is better than Demon Days). Would like to see the stat of album release dates.
  13. I read a story about him a couple weeks ago - that he's scored by tagging up from 2nd base on deep fly balls, and that he's stolen 2nd base on throws back to the mound.
  14. Wherever you choose, I advise contacting the lot owner to let them know your plans so that they won't call to get it towed. I think the residential street is the worst option.
  15. Old Tiger stadium Fenway Old Twins stadium Metrodome Old Yankees stadium Cleveland Miller Park Wrigley US Cellular Petco
  16. Can someone explain to me the pledge that many legislators have signed that says something about promising never to raise taxes? Who is the dude behind it, and why are so many legislators afraid of him?
  17. So did the GOP destroy the SS fund or not? You're all over the place.
  18. The White Album was always on the turn table when i was a kid, and the end of the song would make my hair stand on end - it really creeped me out. I thought it was scary as hell.
  19. It's Ringo's playing. It's the weird scary stuff going on at the end of the song.
  20. I don't argue with any of that. I'm just saying a corporation can't donate directly to a campaign.
  21. Corporations can't donate directly to a candidate - they can donate to a PAC or special interest group, which in turn can donate a max of $5,000 to a single candidate.
  22. There's a great burger and custard place (run by the Bartolotta empire) right on the lake: http://www.northpointcustard.com/. It's not one of the usual recommendations (such as Kopp's, Solly's or Sobelmans) but the setting can't be beat, and the food quality will be better than those other three. The Art museum is hosting a Posters of Paris exhibit right now. http://mam.org/ As for brewery tours, my feeling is that if you've seen one, you've seen them all - they're pretty much all the same. As for brats - the strange thing is that Milwaukee is not the brat equivalent of hotdogs and Chica
  23. Jeez, Ringo only wrote two songs, so I had to make a tough decision, Jeez!
  24. Sweet dreams http://io9.com/5935097/prometheus-list-of-deleted-scenes-reveal-an-ending-we-never-saw
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