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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. It's a sad day when we're worried about what the Motor City Madman is saying about the current state of politics. If I want some advice on how to make deer jerky, I might turn to the Nuge. Everything is a sideshow shitshow. I'd love a return to the days of civility.
  2. Nice start, Tigers! Now you're only 31-5 from replicating your 1984 start...
  3. baseball baseball baseball... Verlander in 45 minutes! Gophers hockey in 7 hours!
  4. It's from Disney's Jungle Book.
  5. I just thought their name derived from an intense Claude Akins fandom.
  6. NRBQ: Which version? I think Terry's the only one left now...
  7. They've always been productive, and have a loyal following, and have never wanted for work. They're almost constantly touring, (if not as Los Lobos, Hidalgo and Perez tour together, and Rosas and Hidalgo participate in the regular "Experience Hendrix" thing) and when they're not on the road, they're guesting on others' albums (Hidalgo mostly - on Dylan's and Tom Waits, amongst others) or producing (Steve Berlin does quite a bit). From what I've read, Hidalgo's influence is all over Dylan's upcoming album. Their most recent set-lists are hum-drum though. They have such a huge catalog, but i
  8. I've seen them at least once a year for the past 15 years, and this upcoming show is definitely the one I've been waiting for. IMHO, Kiko is far and away their best album - so to hear it performed live is something I've been waiting for a long time.
  9. Ringo's fills. Lennon's rhythm guitar playing George. And hell, I'll throw in Paul's sublime bass playing. For as highly praised as the Beatles are and forever will be, they're still underrated.
  10. Attention Chicago Area Lobos Fans: They're playing Park West on June 1. It's a charity event benefiting the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless. They're going to be playing Kiko in its entirety.
  11. 60s: Beatles, British Invasion, Motown, garage rock, psychedelic rock, Hendrix, Byrds, VU...
  12. Re: Hunger Games. Two questions: Why is she steadying the arrow with her wrist, and why is she nocking the arrow way above the midpoint of the bowstring?
  13. You've summed up what my impressions are about our country in the past few years - everyone here loves the country club, but nobody wants to pay for membership dues.
  14. I was at the Ray Davies show, remember? (I've only been here for less than a year, was in Milwaukee previously) I'm the other Winston.
  15. I watched one clip in which an older couple answered questions (translating ghetto slang) for upgrades to a free meal (and the accompanying graphics made it seem game-show like). That doesn't seem typical. I've been there several times as well. It's not too far from where I live.
  16. We shouldn't be trying to be making things fair?
  17. I'm assuming it will be difficult for the Saints to find a quality coach for a single year. I wonder if they're pondering sacking Payton...
  18. Yes, he sang on a few songs. Very quiet voice now. He looked like he's aged a ton lately, but he was still playing the drums, albeit with a backup.
  19. It was a terrific show. Levon's band was terrific. They played a nice version of Black Friday, but that's the only SD song we were treated to.
  20. I was just asking. Perhaps you had access to something I couldn't find. Go easy bro.
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