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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Saw Drive this weekend. Don't understand the positive hype. All style and no substance. Too many cliches I've seen before: Silent noble criminal who plays by his own rules, fragile single mom he has a desire to protect. It was good, not great. Violent as hell.
  2. Seeing them for the first time next Tuesday. Very psyched. Love the new album
  3. More clarification on TSA = Gestapo, please.
  4. But, a marriage is a contract. My marriage is recognized by both the church and state. This affects many things- amongst them, how I'm taxed, my insurance rates, insurance coverage, survivor benefits. It's those kinds of things that are being denied to those who aren't allowed to legally marry.
  5. I haven't seen vitriol. Do you have examples? I've seen bad reviews, middling reviews, no good reviews... Personally, I think she's boring. And lip injections are a really strange decision.
  6. I think she misses the mark. Where Liz Phair's debut sounded as if she was in control of the whole process, and it all appeared DIY, LDR comes of as a marketing product where she is anything but in control. LDR is resented because of the demographic she's being marketed to, the secondary "alternative music" market. (Anyone remember OK COLA from the 90s? The Slacker cola?)
  7. Black Keys will definitely be playing the half time soon. Gold on the Ceiling is already a sports-rock anthem.
  8. So, you don't want to use this forum as a selling platform, you just want us to set the market price for you?
  9. I have been enjoying First Aid Kit. Very nice harmonies.
  10. Streaming now on NPR.org: http://www.npr.org/2012/01/29/145733056/first-listen-heartless-bastards-arrow
  11. Cabrera is raring to go at 3rd. He says it's his natural position. Whether he'll be any good at it is another question, but it's the trade off of his bat + shitty defense, vs Inge's good defense + mendoza line batting avg. As for the other problem when VMart comes back, I'm sure it's a problem that other GMs would like to have. Tigers 2012 baseball is going to be "Shit, Cabrera just let in 2 runs. Sweet, Cabrera just drove in 3 runs!" Ilitch wants a ring. I like that he's taking the risk to try to make it happen.
  12. Who did the artwork? Looks like a Pied Piper scenario.
  13. Ilitch is such a great and generous owner. The old guy really wants a World Series ring. He's had some bad signings, such as Juan Gone, but he is always trying to make it happen, and is willing to loosen the purse-strings to do so.
  14. You're obviously uncomfortable signing it. Go with your instinct.
  15. It's a contest. What leverage do you have to negotiate the release form? If you don't want to sign it, they'll reward someone else.
  16. Touring with Kool & The Gang? yikes. That's quite a demographic...
  17. I thought Mike Watt's album last year was more reminiscent of fIREHOSE than the Minutemen, but regardless, it was a great album. I always thought Ed Crawford and Jeff Tweedy looked like each other. The first time I saw fIREHOSE, the COWS opened for them. What a twin-bill. Whither the COWS?
  18. I'm enjoying this one from Howler: http://www.npr.org/2012/01/08/144623504/first-listen-howler-america-give-up
  19. My wife and I got a pug a little less than 2 years ago. We love the little guy. We don't have kids, but he's always been great with greeting other kids. He's never growled or snarled at anyone, actually. Very social, very happy little dude. We were petless before him, and now I can't imagine life without him.
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