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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. It always amazes me how memory capacity just gets cheaper and cheaper. I remember saving up my paper route cash (about $13/week, I think) to buy the Atari 400 (with 8k of memory!!). Ah, the days of programming in BASIC.
  2. Ok, that was a good play by Krejci, but it was a shitty five-hole goal allowed by Luongo that Peverly didn't even make a deke-move on. Shoulda been stopped. And yes, I agree - Marchand's SH goal was beautiful. I think the last two periods of game 3 were more of a factor of the Canucks D leaving Luongo out to dry. And yes, I was in a continual state of surprise during that game. If you weren't, then you must be surprised every time the Bruins don't score 8 goals.
  3. Luongo's Achilles Heel, or perhaps more accurately named, his Achilles Shitty Fucking Glove Hand, was really exposed last night. Vancouver is such a strange team - when they're on their game, no other team can touch their speed, puck-control, and toughness. If you're better than the other team on those factors, you're going to win way more often than lose - and it played out that way over the season with the Canucks winning the President's Trophy, and also in the way they dominated the Sharks and Preds. But when they lose their focus, like last night (and in games 4 & 5 against the H
  4. Doesn't the media vote for the Hart Trophy?
  5. I don't think the Canucks are a dirty team, nor is Rome a dirty player. I think it was a dirty hit, and clearly illegal, and he was justly penalized. I'm not a Bruins fan, but I do think that Chara's hit was more of an unfortunate placement of a poorly padded stanchion. I do think that Raffi Torres is a punk though.
  6. Horton was in his third stride after making the pass when he was hit. Rome had plenty of time to ease up / abort the hit. Horton was definitely "guilty" of admiring his pass, but that doesn't absolve Rome in any way. It was dirty.
  7. I think Shanahan will do a fine job with this going forward.
  8. And he will. I just read he was suspended for the duration.
  9. Oh yeahhhhh... Thought that seemed familiar. I still don't get why he rubs you the wrong way, so to speak. He's got a savings account and preferred retiring to riding a bus in the minors... Sounds like a nice way to go.
  10. The Cam Neely Grudge Series starts tonight. Most seem to think Boston doesn't have a prayer, but I think any time you have a Vezina and Norris candidate (Thomas will win his, Chara won't) on the same team, as Boston does, it gives them more than a fighting chance. Interesting fact: The last team that won the Stanley Cup without having home-ice advantage in the finals was Detroit in 1997. That's quite a run for the home team.
  11. Any comments about the series so far? I've only seen the first three episodes, which was enough of a taste to get me started on reading the books.
  12. Marleau should be kicking himself after dumping the puck towards the end of regulation - with an empty net ahead of him. He didn't even look up to notice that the net was empty, and he had a chance at sealing it.
  13. I never get tired of that phrase. I usually only hear it from hockey fans too. In other news: Rafalski is going to announce his retirement tomorrow. That'll be a nice $6.2m off of Detroit's cap that they can apply to a younger D-man. Rafalski was decent, but overpaid, frequently hurt, and weak defensively. Decent offensive numbers from him though. Wings will probably make an offer to Weber, which the Preds will certainly match, and then they'll probably look to Bieksa or Ehrhoff.
  14. I thought the Sharks would match up really well against the Canucks, especially the checking lines. It was only a time that the Sedins started clicking though. The Sharks have to stay out of the penalty box. Maybe the Red Wings series was too taxing on the Sharks?
  15. Looking like Boston/Vancouver series. Vancouver will be looking to get revenge for getting fleeced for Cam Neely in 1986.
  16. So, this whole May 21, 2011 thing is based on some line from Genesis - God saying he was going to send a flood in seven days, combined with some other quote from the NT, how one day to God is like a thousand years to us. THEN trying to figure out what the date of Noah's flood was and adding 7,000 years to that, to arrive at May 21, 2011? Huh.
  17. I know they split, but The Lovely Elizabeth has been waiting for him...
  18. I don't know if momentum carries from game to game. I'm pretty sure that neither Babcock or McClellan believe in it. Agreed that it's been a great series. Looking forward to game 7. The Sharks sure seemed like a different team without Ryan Clowe. To me, he's been their post-season MVP, with a nod to Boyle as well.
  19. Wow, two rounds with two series starting 3-0 only to have the other team come back to force a game 7. Exciting stuff! Before Philadelphia forced a game 7 after being down 0-3 last year, (and the even-more-amazing part of that comeback was that they were down 3-0 in the first period of game 7 - and came back to win that one 4-3), a team down 0-3 (in games) had forced a game 7 FIVE TIMES. Now it's happened three times in the last two post-seasons. I hope the Wings can do what the Blackhawks couldn't. Winning a best-of-seven series after being down 0-3 has only happened three times in the N
  20. It's on this album, which I've never listened to, but I remember Crow's cover being on the radio quite a bit in the mid 90s. I'm assuming that 4 Non Blondes' Misty Mountain Hop would win the all time prize in this thread. I'm going to keep it an assumption. Please don't make me experience it for realz.
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