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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. There's a Uno-on-steroids version (that I think is in the Uno rulebook - I'm certain we didn't invent it) that if you can play a card - go for it, out of turn. You have to be quick, but when our family played it - it was a blast. Play resumes on the person to the right or left of the last person who played. It's controlled chaos. We have another family game, "Oh Hell", hard to describe - it's a trick-taking game, with bids. Heavy Swearing during cards is required. My wife, who comes from a family that's free of blue-language, blushed like crazy the first time both of my parents were callin
  2. Is Spades a regional thing? I know I've heard of Euchre as a Great Lakes area game. Never played Acey-Deucey, but looked up the description. The single thing I love most about backgammon - the double die, is removed...
  3. What's the name/developer of it? I've been looking for a good cribbage game on my phone. The one I have - the computer player isn't great, but the interface is nice. I have yet to find a good euchre ap, or hearts ap.
  4. Who out there likes to play board games, cards, dice, etc? What are your favorites? In the past few years, I discovered a whole new world of board games out there, mostly German: Power Grid, Puerto Rico, Agricola. Power Grid has become a family favorite: The board is a map (Germany on one side, US on the other) - you take turns, managing your cash by bidding on power plants, buying raw resources, and then paying for connections to new cities. Anyone else heard of this one? There's a local bar that hosts a Euchre night, which I want to participate in, but can't get my wife into it (and eu
  5. Miguel Cabrera is putting together one of the best seasons to finish 2nd in MVP voting ever.
  6. That's exactly what TB is, but I don't think it's ever been promoted as anything but.
  7. I wonder why the mole took 3 months to release the tape...
  8. Such a strange thing to say. Was he basing his desire to be Latino on the rich history of Latino presidents we've had? Or wait, not Latino presidents, but Latino party nominees? Or wait, not Latino party nominees, but Latino candidates? Or wait...
  9. OK then, how much money/income qualifies one to be upper class?
  10. I still don't understand how saying "$250k and less is middle class" means Romney is out of touch. As others have pointed out, for tax purposes, that's Obama's demarkation line as well. Please explain.
  11. Not sure. I have basically nothing in common with either candidate, and have no need to feel like one is more like me than the other. I'm still waiting for a party that promotes social liberty, fiscal responsibility, and less resource consumption. Vote all the current bastards out.
  12. The dividing line between middle and upper class should be the ability to buy a new Bentley, with cash. That's about $200k, right there.
  13. Live right now! Waco Bros @ hideout fest.
  14. I had the same initial reaction. Then tried again a year later, promising myself to stay with it until Omar shows up. I didn't need to wait that long - was hooked after 2nd episode. Definitely best series ever.
  15. I loved the video - your description is perfect.
  16. Gimme Shelter Monkey Man Faraway Eyes Paint it, Black Brown Sugar Tumbling Dice Rocks Off Star Star Dead Flowers Street Fighting Man
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