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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. My bad. I assumed his link referred to the Steve Vai-era anecdote he gave...
  2. Jeez. I'm on page 50 after two weeks... I ain't got time to read!
  3. Whoever you Are - Geggy Tah. The Broad Majestic Shannon By Shane MacGowan (1988) The last time I saw you was down at the Greeks There was whiskey on Sunday and tears on our cheeks You sang me a song as pure as the breeze Blowing up the road to Glenaveigh I sat for a while at the cross at Finnoe Where young lovers would meet when the flowers were in bloom Heard the men coming home from the fair at Shinrone Their hearts in Tipperary wherever they go Take my hand, and dry your tears babe Take my hand, forget your fears babe There's no pain, there's no more sorrow They're all gon
  4. Wasn't there an incident with the original Mothers that he fell (was pushed?) into the orchestra pit and was significantly injured? Wheelchair bound?
  5. I've decided I'm voting for Obama. It's not so much a vote FOR him, as it is a vote AGAINST the GOP. I don't want that party in charge any more.
  6. Jouney to the Center of the Mind is one of the all-time GREATS of late 60s U.S. psychedelic-rock.
  7. Doesn't capitalism depend on rewarding the elite? Doesn't communinism depend on eliminating the elite and rewarding everyone equally? So, why is elitism a bad thing?
  8. *sees charging bear* Hmm, I wonder how heavy that bear is so that I can appropriately calculate the right amout of tranquilizer to use. Kind of a Goldilocks dilemma... Too little and I won't put it down, too much and I might accidentally kill it... Judging by its velocity and momentum, I'm guessing about 1200 lbs, so that should require about... *mauled* And... Scene!
  9. That JUDE had to close his Commodities Hedge Fund?
  10. OK - I'm committing to ponying up for the Wrigley game. Just booked hotel rooms for 12/31 and 1/1. Though I'm a Wings fan, I'm planning on wearing a North Stars Ciccarelli sweater to initiate the world record of largest "Dino Sucks!" chant ever.
  11. I can't stand that the "debates" are not actually debates, but are canned and planned opportunities for platforms and soundbites. It really pissed me off when Nader was not only not invited, but was threatened with arrest when he had a ticket to attend a debate in 2000. The candidates are informed of the questions beforehand, and they only answer the moderator - they don't ever actually debate.
  12. Amen. If only Ron Mexico had decided to run a hockey-mom fighting ring instead.
  13. I don't care for either, but at least Olbermann doesn't have the chutzpah to characterize his editorials as "no spin."
  14. I'm pretty sure The Strokes played Is This It straight through when I saw them at the 7th St. Entry in Oct 01.
  15. The strange thing about the O'Reilly show (Orally Men for you Fawlty Tower types) last night was that he was tripping over himself over his glee that Sarah Palin was now a "star", and how great it was that the GOP finally had a "star." Isn't that what they had been criticizing Obama for being?
  16. Peruvians tend to be either brown or white (with not a lot in between) because of the geography. The Spaniards that settled the area tended to stay near the coast, like Lima, while the Incas tended to stay way up in the mountains. Not a lot of mixing going on, generally (at least compared to Mexico). Chileans and Argentinians tend to be whiter, for the most part, because of the lack of native population when the Spaniards arrived. Not a lot to mix with, and not a lot of African slaves imported Brazilians had a much larger influx of African slaves originally, than the other three countries
  17. It means you can be both. My mom's from Peru, from however many generations that goes back to the 1780s. She's white. Is she not hispanic? Am I not hispanic?
  18. I can't imagine that they haven't been invited. Why would that network shy away from a ratings boost?
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