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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Obama made a joke about being able to see the Russian Tea Room from the steps of wherever that roast was...
  2. it's personal income of $250k or above, that Obama's tax plan concerns, not business income. So, if Joe the plumber pulls $250k in personal income from his own business - that's what's at issue. No? Perhaps I'm out of my element and should shut the fuck up, Donnie.
  3. hopefully not to fix anything. He really did a bang up job on the economy the last time he suspended his campaign.
  4. ACORN, if they are participating in voter fraud, should be punished to the full extent allowed by law. They don't make me feel one way or the other. I own my feelings, thank you very much. I have no reason to believe that Rove is associated with ACORN.
  5. Instead of setting up headers and footers that won't print - why not just set up margins to simulate the borders of said headers and footers?
  6. I have always loved Chelios and his ability to deliver quality quotes: "He did it on purpose."
  7. Awesome awesome show. First show in a long time that I was smiling throughout. The dancers were great, and one of his backup singers was va-va-va-voom! Played a healthy mix of Heads + latest album + other Eno collabs. Audience gave him his first standing O after Houses in Motion - about 4 songs in. (caveat - Americans give Standing Os WAY too easily, but this was one of the few that I've seen that was really merited) The mix of older nerds/hipsters were clearly clamoring for more Talking Heads.
  8. According to this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Household_inc...e_United_States Top 5% roughly corresponds with $150k or more (for household). $100k puts you at top 15%.
  9. very psyched to see the show tonight. Has anyone attended this tour yet? Reviews?
  10. I didn't realize there was a party line on pasteurization... ?
  11. Darker? Maybe oranger... Maybe he's been getting spray-tanned?
  12. As long as the GOP courts and aligns itself with the religious right, I can't in good conscience send a vote their way. I occasionally vote DFL, but most often my vote goes to the Greens or Independents.
  13. interesting opinions can be found here: http://www.catholicvote.com/
  14. Good for the Lions. Looks like Bobby Layne's curse might be lifting after all...
  15. Assuming that these kids aren't qualified for much more than typical minimum wage jobs, I don't know how to place value on providing a safe haven away from an abusive situation at home vs employment. High School "should" be their full-time job, not gainful employment. And if they don't make it through h.s., (or other tech school or otherwise) they're not going to gain skills to rise above much more than a typical minimum wage job.
  16. I am. I'm on the board of a local runaway shelter. If we didn't receive government grants, to the tune of $250k - $400k annually, we'd fold. Private donations average about $20k/year.
  17. Definitely my favorite American band. Their 3-years of productivity can only be matched by the Beatles.
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