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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Contraception is its own thing - kinda related to abortion, but not really. The position against abortion is because they believe it's murder. The position against contraceptives is because it's preventing the miracle of life - that you're messing with GOD'S PLAN. It's a much lesser sin (Fr. Guido Sarducci says that you have to literally pay for your sins when you get to the Pearly Gates - masturbation (and other non-conceiving orgasms) are about $0.35, or 3 for a $1)
  2. Doctor says to fix my sober condition I need pot to get high. Phucking Farmacist won't hook my shit up.
  3. you don't have to get rid of your music if you go over your ipod's capacity. I have around 150GB of music, but a 60GB ipod. All you need to do is "uncheck" your entire collection, and start from square one - check the albums that you want on your ipod, or create songlists for your ipod. Then when you sync, select "sync with checked songs only" or "sync with these songlists only"
  4. There's a gentleman's club nearby who will only hire girls who show their boobs when they dance.
  5. All a third party has to do is clear 5% in a given election to qualify for federal funding in the NEXT election. Perot cleared that bar easily. Seems as though the libertarians would have enough interest to generate that kind of percentage.
  6. I don't get it - you didn't have all your songs stored in iTunes on a computer somewhere? How did you have songs stored on an iPod only?
  7. Ok - under the current system, all of Wyoming's votes are up for grabs, winner take all. That creates the impetus for a candidate to campaign in Wyoming. Granted, your map shows that no dollars were spent, nor campaign stops made, in the final two weeks of the campaign, but I'm assuming that SOME money and stops were made there at some point during the election. (and if not, perhaps polls showed it locked in Red, making it not viable to bother campaigning) Without the Electoral College system, Wyoming would be even less of a factor because of its low population and lack of urban areas.
  8. Well, I guess I'm saying that if you take away the 50-mini elections, the individual states have no say at all.
  9. Because first a candidate must win a given state. It's not a national election - it's 50 mini-elections.
  10. The two party system thrives because of the Electoral College. We have to get rid of that before we have any expectations of Other Parties gaining a foothold.
  11. This is definitely true. Whilst perusing Apps for my iPhone last night, I noticed that Obama has one that will automatically give you all the updates to his campaign, including tourstops and volunteer opportunities. His campaign has been very very tech savvy.
  12. That's awesome news. I won't do publicity balling for you anymore.
  13. no, but you get 2 gold stars if you can create a limerick using minion, opinion, and Virginian.
  14. Did you know that if you remove the B and replace it with an S, His name becomes OSAMA??? Also, his middle name is Hussein, which is the same last name of a certain former dictator of Iraq. Think about it! Not only that, but if you SAY his middle name, it's like you're asking Who's Sane? As in who's sane enough to recognize we're THIS close to electing the antichrist?!?!?!? I am that sane, my friends. Vote LaRouche.
  15. I think it's supposed to play like: someone actually listening to Biden will have an epiphany and shout "By Gum, he's right!" and then will be afraid to vote for Obama because of his inexperience.
  16. Right, but you asked if the Catholic church was officially endorsing candidates. It appears some priests may be advocating voting for a particular candidate. There is not a church-wide endorsement.
  17. I just did a brief online search, and did not find an "official endorsement", nor has an endorsement come up in any of the masses I have attended.
  18. Kinda like how they do on the issue of premarital sex?
  19. Has the "what if Ditka ran in 2004" discussion been brought up here? Supposedly, Ditka was the GOP's original choice to replace kinkmeister Jack Ryan in the Illinois senate race. Speaking of people who are worshipped, I think it's fair to say that Ditka would have beaten Obama handily...
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