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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. "If there is anyone out there who still doubts that A.M. is an album where all things are possible; who still wonders if Being There is alive in our time; who still questions Summerteeth, Wilco is your answer. It's the answer told by lines that stretched around the ticket booth for the 2007 Chicago residency; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this concert series must be different; that Wilco could be that difference. It's the answer spoken by Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, A Ghost is Born, Kicking Television and
  2. "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus" Interesting election recap...
  3. Normal Vatican protocol is to send a telegram of congratulations on inauguration day. Pope says he will pray for God's blessings on Obama and the American people
  4. Elected - Alice Cooper followed by Bellboy - The Who, since those songs have the same bridge.
  5. about 30 minutes. I was #50. Got there at 10 to 7. Had to register with new address. Milwaukee.
  6. I want their first 5 picks to be: O-Line D-line D-line O-line O-line.
  7. Lions - Lost: check Cowboys - Lost: check Let's go draft day!
  8. Right, but what has the GOP done to legislate that life begins at conception? Nothing? oh.
  9. Yeah, the voting religious right definitely isn't close to 50% of the electorate. Maybe 20-25%. Remember that only around 60% of eligible voters bothered to cast a vote in the last election. And Bush won with slightly more than 50% of cast votes. That means that slightly more than 30% of eligible voters re-elected him.
  10. Haribo Goldbears are the best. AM trumps Summerteeth. Summerteeth is definitely the Wilco album I listen to the least.
  11. If I Should Fall From Grace With God - Pogues Know Your Rights - Clash
  12. More than you ever wanted to know about the remixing of We're Only In It for the Money...
  13. Right. I have about 40GB worth of material on my iPod. My iTunes has my entire 150GB library. I back up to an external harddrive quarterly.
  14. I could see him doing that for the payment reasons. I've never read a flattering review of his personality... My favorite era is the Ruth Underwood / George Duke band. I can't wait for the full Roxy show to be released.
  15. Phone. If they don't have a phone, fuck em. Opt to take it in the ass and avoid possible pregnancy altogether.
  16. So do any of you Suzie Creamcheeses have any opinion over the original mix vs Zappa's mid-80s re-do of WOIIFTM (as released by Ryko - which was doubled up with Lumpy Gravy on CD?) I've been aware of the complaints of the re-do, but had never had the chance to hear the original until recently. I gotta say that I much prefer the re-do. The bass is inaudible on the original mix, and Jimmy Carl Black's (the Indian of the group) drumming leaves much to be desired. I know that Vinnie Colaiuta redid the drum parts, but who was on bass? Patrick O'Hearn? Plus, on the re-do you get the retro-fitted M
  17. Kessel's been doing well for me on my fantasy team. He seems to be primed for a break-out season...
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