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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. So if Adam Clayton's not the worst member of U2, who is?
  2. For Stones basslines? Yes. Edit: Oops! I was thinking of "Live with Me" Here's the other Stones songs that Richards played bass instead of Wyman: (from wikipedia)
  3. Adam Clayton. I see a bassist theme... Definitely agree with the Wyman assessment. Richards played bass on several crucial recordings. Can't You Hear Me Knocking comes to mind... Pete Best.
  4. Tina's great. Especially on "The name of this band is..."
  5. Convenient that you left out this factor in your "taken all into account": Answering the moderator's questions. Hell, even she repeatedly said "I may not answer the questions the moderator asks" - because really, why would she? But if you're as ok with ignoring that as she was, then yes, she CLEARLY won.
  6. Depends. Do you know the difference between a tactic and a strategy?
  7. I want the complete Tex Avery collection. OK - so they're not movies, but they're the best and funniest cartoons ever made. Dumbo is the first movie my ma ever took me to. IMHO, the pink elephant segment is the best Disney bit ever, outside of Fantasia.
  8. So I've been playing the Zappa (that had been collecting dust) and my sig.o. says "What IS this - it's really SICK" - they way she said "sick" was almost exactly the way it's phrased in Stinkfoot. Made me laugh.
  9. She sounds like Edna Boil from SCTV. Hey - did any Mr. Show fans notice McCain's use of "festooned" in last week's debate? Cracked my shit up.
  10. I finally got a chance to listen to the original recording (well, at least not the redone recording that Zappa did in the late 80s) of WOIIFTM - the original drums and bass. (I know there are several versions out there) I had read a lot of complaints over the "new" version - but I have to say, JCB (the Indian of the group)'s drumming absolutely SUCKS compared to Colaiuta's re-do. I much prefer the revamped version... (which is the first version I had heard - maybe that affects my bias).
  11. Well, you'd think that since the moderator has been in place since August, that the GOP could have done a better scouting job than Matt Millen.
  12. I would like to see where he gets the stat that 60% believe in Noah's Ark. Come on! I was like 5 years old when I figured out that was bullshit. Also - regarding the story above - and based on Mahers reaction, he seems to have a misconception, because I went to a Catholic high school, and they taught us evolution, not creationism. In religion class, they taught us that a literal interpretation of the Bible was not the correct approach and that it the book of Genesis was merely Hebrew mythology. Were my priest teachers not "tearing it all down for the common man" in a classroom? The only thin
  13. Right, but there are both agnostic theists and agnostic athiests. A person can acknowledge the lack of proof of the existence of God, yet still have faith that one exists.
  14. You lost me, but your copying and pasting skillz are unparalleled.
  15. She was too busy thinking "don't say Hustler, don't say Hustler, don't say Hustler"
  16. To paraphrase George Harrison, "I see God in every blade of grass" Don't confuse evidence with proof. There might not be proof of God's existence, but for many people, there's plenty of evidence. The evidence lies within one's own interpretation of their experience. For some, it leads to a conclusion of God's existence, for others, it leads away from that conclusion.
  17. My picks: Western Conference 1. Detroit 2. San Jose 3. Calgary 4. Dallas 5. Anaheim 6. Colorado 7. Nashville 8. Chicago 9. Edmonton 10. Phoenix 11. Edmonton 12. Vancouver 13. Columbus 14. St. Louis 15. Los Angeles Eastern Conference 1. Montreal 2. Philadelphia 3. Washington 4. Pittsburgh 5. New Jersey 6. Boston 7. Ottawa 8. Tampa Bay 9. Rangers 10. Buffalo 11. Florida 12. Islanders 13. Carolina 14. Atlanta 15. Toronto
  18. Yeah, but what Obama doesn't understand is ______________________. A strong part of Obama's performance was that he would directly and immediately address perceived misstatements made about him by McCain. I don't recall McCain doing the same - instead he would just make his creepy smiley face and occasionally cough/laugh.
  19. Madre de Dios!! I might rank this movie slightly ahead of Boxcar Bertha, but behind New York New York...
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