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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. It sucks that because I plan on voting for him, I'm just a mere sheep. Baaaaaaa-rack Obaaaaaaaaaaa-ma. I wish I had a mind of my own!
  2. Strange conclusion that one comes up with... hmm...
  3. Keep in mind that general campaign financing (public or private) doesn't take effect until after each party's convention. However, Obama is free to spend the money he's raised so far until the Dem convention.
  4. Do you really think so? I'm doubtful it will have any discernable effect on his image to either his followers or detractors, much less shatter it.
  5. I didn't know the answer when I asked. Note the time lag.
  6. A friend of mine gave this album to me - burned a cd for me. Except he inadvertantly recorded them in reverse order. I thought that was the original order, and I still prefer listening to the album this way. Still a great album.
  7. Marcus Thames's last 8 hits have been HRs. What's the record?
  8. I share the disappointment. If you're going, I'd push for Rage. I saw them for the first time last summer with Queens of the Stone Age at Alpine Valley. It was a great great show. If you've already seen Wilco several times, don't miss Rage.
  9. Thanks. Black Keys got hosed.
  10. Where are you guys getting the Lolla schedule?
  11. Minutemen! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzyzVZZfUfM
  12. Speaking of changing names... has anyone ever met a Hitler? Or has that name been wiped off the census map?
  13. How about unhomogenized milk? Them's tasty!
  14. It was a huge risk, being that his political career depends on votes, and this wasn't a popular position to take.
  15. Got a Feelin - Mamas and the Papas
  16. Milk and meat require the smell test. Drugs? meh. They might lose some potency with age, but it's not as if they suddenly become useless on that magic date. Condoms? throw em out!
  17. Independent of what exactly? Her boys club husband?
  18. I haven't, but here's a review from a netflix subscriber: ouch Other reviews seemed just as harsh. No interviews with his musicians, no interviews with FZ. Only one song in its entirety: Peaches en Regalia. I'm still waiting for whatchamacallit to be released - the TV concert with the One Size Fits All era band that the Dub Room Special has footage of. Looking forward to Zappa plays Zappa at Summerfest...
  19. Sympathy for the Devil as a guitar song? It's all piano and bongos, no?
  20. There's also talk that she'll be calling for an oral roll-call (so to speak) of all delegates at the Convention... I would assume the negotiations with Obama will include the trade of "you pay my debt, I'll throw my weight behind you, and not run as an independent..."
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