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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. I thought Eastwood was embarrassingly bad, Rubio was very good, and Romney was fine. I'm not sure if he won over all that many independents, though. He certainly was trying to appeal to women voters a bunch of times, and his most effective line was where he basically said its ok to like Obama, just don't rehire him. So much of what comes out of these speeches is vitriolic that I think it was really effective to lighten the message. Romney certainly didn't drop the ball tonight, but I'm not sure he knocked it out of the park, either. He'll undoubtedly get a bump in the polls, but will it las
  2. Interesting, according to wikipedia it was coined by Tim Russert during the 2000 election. I thought it went a lot further back.
  3. Nah, Wilco should add a 3 piece horn section and perhaps a cellist.
  4. I applaud those questioning Obama's citizenship and hope they keep beating on that drum.
  5. I live about a mile from a major naval weapons reserve. I know I'm immediate toast if stuff starts to fly.
  6. Even though you just knew it had to happen eventually...
  7. So of the roughly 40,000 bills introduced and roughly 2,500 bills passed during that period, they agreed 52 times. Yes, they are identical.
  8. Evidence, no. Contributing to the narrative, yes.
  9. True, no one is claiming (yet) that Romney did anything illegal. But if his returns expose how the extremely wealthy are capable of exploiting current tax code to pay a lot less (by % of course) than the average person, you don't think that will resonate? At the very least it will make it clear which candidate is more likely to protect the current tax code vs the one more likely to try to reform it.
  10. I'm not gay, but I think Dan Savage is a fucking hero
  11. There are plenty of fiscally conservative independents and democrats. The only ones who get linked to social conservatives are those who've stuck with today's GOP.
  12. I think it depends on the city. Where I live, abandoned vehicles are ticketed after 72 hrs and towed after another 72 hrs have passed -- so you'd be fine if it's only going to be 30 hrs or so. A private lot that doesn't allow overnight parking could get you that first night.
  13. I used to travel a lot for work and would always try to hit a game (any sport) when I was away -- but rarely managed to actually do it. Candlestick Park AT&T Park Oakland Coliseum Angel's Stadium Tiger Stadium Comerica Park Shea Stadium Wrigley Field (New) Comiskey Park Fulton County Stadium Coors Field Camden Yards I guess my list is ok, but probably half of what it should be. And nothing like one of my friends' list -- he's been to every MLB field (just finished it this summer) and all but 2 or 3 NFL stadiums (which I think he's going to get to this year). Very jealous of the guy -
  14. The entire thing just showed up on YouTube, for those of you who missed it during its brief commercial lifetime. Still the most amazing 49 cents I ever spent.
  15. That cap is meaningless. There's no limit on what can be donated to a PAC, nor any limits on what that PAC can do with that money. The money doesn't have to physically go to the candidate to be used in the candidate's favor.
  16. Kind of sums up my opinion of The Beatles in general. Many truly great songs, but overplayed to the point that I have no desire to actually sit down and listen to them. I can't think of any other band/artist which I would put into that category.
  17. Paul Ryan's stated political positions are enough that I don't need to know whether he's a sociopath or not to know I don't want him in office. He could be the second coming of Christ and I still wouldn't want him fucking with social security, medicare, tax policy, etc.
  18. Had a 6hr late night road trip w/ the kids tonight. My 6-yr-old daughter asked for SBS (it's what she has playing in her room every night), and it was on repeat the entire trip. 7 or 8 plays probably. I was afraid this would make me hate the album, but I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Considered switching to TWL at one point, but I was happy and the kids were happily asleep. . Still think TWL is better overall, but SBS is such a good and all-around comfortable album. So now all the haters can joke about SBS's worth as a sleep aid.
  19. Journeyman player suddenly having a breakout season = juicing = 50 game suspension
  20. Instead of increasing the tax rate, I think we should raise/remove the cap at which SS taxes apply (currently $110K). In fact, if the cap was eliminated entirely, we might even be able to lower the tax rate and still increase overall revenue. Means testing is an interesting idea but I'm afraid it would encourage the wrong behaviors. If someone is at the borderline of just barely being able to put away some money for retirement, a policy like that would discourage them from saving. Increasing the retirement age, as much as I hate the idea of people having to work into their 70's, seems i
  21. No one should plan on living off of social security if they can afford to save enough for retirement on their own. But for many people that's simply not possible -- they're barely getting by as it is. What should happen to these people when they're too old to work?
  22. Agree. Sparky, I understand that you feel passionately about this and want to "educate" us and all, but it's quite tiresome for you to keep coming in here repeating the "they're all the same" mantra. Romney/Ryan and Obama/Biden are not the same. Does that mean you're wrong about shady dealings between business, government & the fed and the impending end-of-the-world financial doomsday? I have no clue. But the point is that this thread is about the 2012 presidential election (even though I still don't quite understand what "Respector Addition" means ).
  23. Politico also has an interesting article about the Ryan pick and how some GOP insiders are privately saying that the Romney team really screwed themselves. Instead of the election being a referendum on Obama's first term, it's now going to be about the Ryan budget plan and all the unpopular stuff in there like privatizing Social Security, cutting Medicare, etc.
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