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tinnitus photography

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Posts posted by tinnitus photography

  1. Yea, well sure, but that is mostly because people rarely listen to female vocalists anymore. The odd jazz, blues, R&B singer gets thrown on these lists, but there are plenty more who get no mention at all. (Note that not a single soul replied to my post on Sophie Tucker...not that I really expected one actually..)




    my comment was tongue-in-cheek, since this *is* a board ostensibly based around Wilco, which at the heart of their music is that same sort of band. and also riffing on that previous thread re: telling people what to like.



  2. i think the quieter shows sound better there...Will Oldham sounded great, but then again i was about 15' from the stage, center. which is where i ended up at the end of the SY show, for 'what we know' and 'death valley '69' both of which i thought sounded great from there.


    but at the beginning, i was way over on Lee's side, and it sounded rough; way too much bass and no vocal mix.

  3. i'm only counting people who either are the clear front person, or have significant creative input into a band (ie, Kim Gordon is not mentioned because of this).


    PJ Harvey

    Barbara Manning

    Thalia Zedek (Uzi, Live Skull, Come, solo)

    Fontaine Toups (Versus)

    Wata (Boris)

    Juliana Hatfield (solo, Blake Babies)

    Sylvia Juncosa (solo, To Damascus, SWA)

    Kate Village (Major Stars, Magic Hour, Crystalized Movements)

    Electrelane (all of them)

    Meg Baird (Espers)



    honorable mention:

    Marcy Mays (Scrawl)

    Bilinda Butcher (My Bloody Valentine)

    Marissa Nadler

    Cosey Fanni Tutti (COUM transmissions, Throbbing Gristle)

    Neko Case

    i'm sure there are a few dozen more, but this will suffice for now.


    Thalia Zedek


    good to see Thalia get some recognition. In the early to mid 90s, Come was about as good as it gets as far as a rock band goes.

  4. re:1 - RH that I have heard/owned:

    some of The Soft Boys stuff

    Black Snake Diamond Role

    Globe of Frogs

    Queen Elvis

    That documentary film (Sex, Food, Death... and Insects) which was pretty good.


    re:2 - I'll take mid-60's Dylan over Barrett (or anyone else for that matter). But I also think that Piper is the best album of the psych era.


    fair enough. you've definitely heard enough of Hitchcock to form an opinion. i would recommend listening to _I Often Dream Of Trains_, a spare and sparse outing, mainly him on acoustic guitar, w/ a little bit of piano here and there (and soprano sax on the gorgeous "Flavour of Night")


    Robyn's put out a 2cd live set consisting of just Dylan songs. it's quite good.

  5. I've never heard any of that.


    buy this:




    is this board cool w/ doing zipped mp3 uploads? if so, i'll do a ~8 song sampler that will give you a good dose of what i'm talking about re: 80s New Zealand music.



    Agreed. I would also include Robyn Hitchcock - two musicians that once you get past their quirky schtick are really quite dull.


    two serious questions:


    1 - what have you heard from Hitchcock?

    2 - do you like Barrett and Dylan?

  6. You call people names and attack them, which is why I think he called for your being banned. Personally, I think of you as that dude who loves to party a lot and probably fell on his head as an infant before his skull had a chance to close up, and so I would not like to see you banned.


    well in defense of IRDB, this thread basically is a breeding ground for flame wars. but i do agree that the Dead are woefully over-rated.

  7. Ray Davies may be the greatest living songwriter not named Dylan.


    Muswell Hillbillies is a vastly overrated album. It's a good album, and it has moments, but on the whole, it doesn't approach the band's best work.


    i was pretty bummed that for the 2nd time in a row, Ray sang '20th century man' and left out the bridge (the part w/ the 'i was born in a welfare state'). why the hell would he do that? it's the best part of the song!

  8. I saw about 15 minutes of a Six Organs show a few years ago and it was awesome. I've been meaning to check out some recordings, but haven't gotten around to it yet.


    i really like _Shelter from the Ash_ a lot, and _Dark Noontide_ as well. _Songs For Octavio Paz_ is pretty mellow, but good.


    What are Tyst Minut and Samtidigt? I have all of Dungen's main releases (aside from the self titled one), but I'm not familiar with those.


    they are 12" records; the Tyst Minut came as a bonus CD on the _Tat De Lugnt_ cd reissue. not sure if _Samtidigt_ has been reissued...it originally came out on Mexican Summer which is an off-shoot of Kemado and has put out some fine fine records, including ones from Kurt Vile and Wooden Shjips.

  9. I hate to admit it, but I would have a very hard time naming ten artists from this decade that I listen to regularly.


    having said that, I nominate Dungen.





    i am still waiting to see them play live...it just hasn't worked out the last couple of dates they've played boston (was out of town, and the 2nd time the show sold out and i couldn't get in).

  10. I had The National and Wilco in my mind, but just because DtS put out the relative clunker BAAC, it hardly detracts from the greatness of SRO, TDS and DD.


    likewise, Neko's only got two records which i consider stunners, and they are the last two.


    Wilco was a tough one, but ultimately they didn't make the cut. another attempt could yield a different list. i'd say the only true locks on the list would be Mogwai and Boris.

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