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Ghost of Electricity

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Everything posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. There are usually about 6 pedals on my board, most of them are on yours. (swollen pickle, FD2, TU, TR, Phase 90 (not 100), CC) so i know you make some good choices. however, i have never had the opportunity to try a prunes 'n custard. can i borrow it sometime?
  2. i said nothing of the sort. Anyway, at least tobacco users are (primarily) killing themselves. Not the case with guns.
  3. I didn't say that they committed any gun crimes, and I wouldn't presume to make up statistics. I said that, from a public health point of view, The NRA lobbies against the common good. They lobby in support of machines which are designed to, and do, take human lives.
  4. that would be when I got a big blister on my hand about a month ago while starting to make my pedal board. Is your pedal board finished? What pedals will you or have you put on it? Did/will you keep it in a flea-market purchased suitcase like I do with my homemade pedalboard? is this getting off topic ? edit to add: where did the quote box go?
  5. neither do Phillip Morriss or RJ Reynolds give their money directly to politicians. They filter it through "third party" lobbyist groups. The difference is that public focus on one issue is on the lobby group and in the other on the donors to the lobby group.
  6. very similar actually. Viewed as a public health issue, the tobacco companies lobby (or at least lobbied) against the common good in the same way that the NRA lobbies against the common good.
  7. So does the use of tobacco. yet we learned to hold the big tobacco companies responsible for killing us.
  8. it's a principal thing. you can't say that the tobacco companies are to blame for any particular case of lung cancer, but when you look across the board it is obviously responsible for some of them. similar situation with every gun death in america.
  9. true, but time may have had a mellowing effect. is the cat a clue?
  10. 3 more points for the NRA: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-23590054
  11. you could invite me over, i'd help. then it would only take one year.
  12. ok, i'm lost. is speed racer radiant which face or don draper? (i never thought i would utter that question)
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-23478101
  14. If I told you what you can do with your negativity I'd be banned. So I'll wish you a nice weekend instead.
  15. I know it's already been said, but I don't care: Cars Can't Escape! Wow!
  16. i think there are several reasons these songs aren't being played. one is that there's generally a trend to shelve material from the record previous to last. two, they are aware that many people regard it as their weakest record. three, it's real title is Wilco (The Phone In) .
  17. any album news for those of us who have no hope of seeing any live shows?
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