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Synthesizer Patel

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Everything posted by Synthesizer Patel

  1. I didn't like David Tennant at all, and do like the new bloke a lot - he is very Doctor Whoy, whereas to me Tennant would have been a far better assistant. Having watched the start of the new series, I still don't like the pace of the whole thing - it's just way way too fast, and there is no time to establish tension or character. I just wish they'd drag a storyline across more episodes - maybe even just 1 plot line for the whole series, it would just work better. yes, she is hot. you're right. i assume that what you meant to say, right?
  2. also, poptodd you have to check out Jacques Dutronc - listen to these tracks from youtube, he's absolutely brilliant: it's all great. with him you can get his first 2 albums easily. but, i opted to buy a Boxset of his EP's which was his first 4 albums, but i don't know if that's avaliable in America, you'd have to check that yourself
  3. start with his first album, i'll explain below . . . do you mean you ordered this or this ? his third album is called Polnareff's, whilst his first album is called Michel Polnareff or (on the cd i've got it's called) Love Me, Please Love Me i'd start off with his first album which is this (i'll link to rateyourmusic pages, so you can see the album covers), and then move on to his second album, which is this (here is where it gets a little confusing again, as that is titled Volume 2 or Le Bal Des Laze - which has Polnareff as a kid with white sunglasses on, and the rest of the cover i
  4. for me, this thread isn't even about 2 interviews. it's about what people have said about those 2 interviews and quoted jeff tweedy as saying, cos i can't be bothered to read them myself. i like it more that way, cos it' means i'm a lot more likely to get the wrong end of the stick on something, and therefore be riled up enough to make some comments. i might even try doing this with the new album: get someone else to hear it first and then ask them to hum me the songs. the point about all this "not liking something straight off cos you haven't spent time listening to it" is all i really get
  5. definately him. thanks to you i heard of him, and i ended up buying an EP's Boxset which is just fantastic. highly recommended him. also, Michel Polnareff (which is what i mentioned in the first place to make you mention Dutronc, i think). pretty weird orchestral stuff, but very very inventive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thF36JttZcs
  6. melody maker and nme, by this time, were not considered influential - or not in terms of being trend setters. that ended for them in the 1980s. also, you tend to find that great albums from the past that go off the edge of the map a bit tend to get very high or very low reviews, because people either love them or hate them. i can't see how anyone could ever get that passionate about the last 2 wilco albums. i don't think i've ever seen anyone on this board go off on a rant about the greatness of the last 2 wilco albums, because nobody really cares about them that much. it's normally "well i kn
  7. yeah, they're really good. but, i'd get a couple of other artists before i got them, if i were you. it's quite expensive to get in the uk, so only get it if you've heard this other stuff (below first): the pioneers - long shot, that came out last year in england and i picked it up for £2.99 so you should be able to get it cheapish if you don't mind getting an import. hear a track from the pioneers album here: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=YPlQoTVlqjs it's a great album, and as hard to understand the lyrics are desmond dekker also ken boothes - freedom street is another classic here's the title t
  8. are they re-remastered? i can't really see what extra you get on them if you already own the earlier remasters, as they were in mono anyway, or are the stereo versions worth hearing? NP.
  9. i couldn't really get into that John Grant album at all. i didn't like the vocals and lyrics, way way too compressed for one thing. at the moment i am really enjoying Bedouin Dress - i think that's a great song
  10. band of horses just don't do anything for me at all, i think it's for those 3 reasons that you do like them. i just personally don't find them original, sincere, or good songwriters. i explain below what i meant about "musicianship". really it's just having an ability to sound like you're doing what you're doing effortlessly, which neil young often does, and jeff tweedy did until a few years ago and will hopefully do again. i probably should have worded what i said a bit differently, as usual, cos it's not so much that midlake are virtuoso musicians like steve vai and joe satriani (who pe
  11. i was pretty down on the courage of others when it first came out, just because i loved van occupanther so much, but i've really grown to like it now - the arrangements and production are really strong, it's just that they made a decision to make quite a morose and similar sounding album - like the folk rock albums of the 1970s that it gets its inspiration from - when musicians didn't feel they had to change pace that much if they didn't want to. and it whilst those reference points are pretty clear, it also sounds modern as well. i can certainly understand that lots of people won't like that
  12. streaming here: http://www.npr.org/2011/04/03/134987319/first-listen-panda-bear-tomboy
  13. josh t pearson - last of the country gentlemen. it's good pretty decent (all acoustic, with some strings and every song is very long and sprawling), but nowhere near as good as "lift to experience - the texas jerusalem crossroad" - which if you haven't heard is incredible. that's the only other album he's been involved in, it came out in about 2001, i think; and it's one of my favourite albums of the last few years (it's very long and sprawling too, but electric - with drums and bass). i'd say check lift to experience out first, it's a concept album about the rapture & texas -
  14. it only skips once on the first track - montezuma. it's easily good enough for people to tell if they will like it or not - i assume people listen to mp3 leaks on their computer anyway, so it's not like they're going to be that bothered about sound quality if they're willing to do that. i'm a bit 50/50 on this. too many of the tracks start off with acoustic guitar and then build up, it's just really boring across a whole album. battery kinzie, lorelai and grown ocean stand out for me, because they don't do that - but then they stil have that annoying "building up" approach (i don't really k
  15. i don't really know about his personal life, i don't think people should have to know that sort of stuff for the song to work or not work, though. maybe i'm being a bit hard on them. cos i do like them a fair amount, it's just they fall a little short in certain areas for me to really love them. i tend to be a lot harder on things i wish could be a little better in my eyes rather than things i don't care less about. i'm still looking forward to the album coming out.
  16. that's a shame. i don't like paying for downloads and if i buy it on vinyl i'll never play the damn thing. cheers for the info
  17. well actually, you can judge spring by the blooming of the daffodil, and doing this you can see spring progress from south to north each year. there is also this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Season_creep anyway, our daffodils were out a couple of weeks ago. actually, this is another global warming problem related to this - because daffodil flowers normally have 2 blooms - some bloom early in the spring (which is normally a smaller bloom) and then the others come out slightly later and this is the larger bloom. however, it has been observed (in the uk anyway) that the bulbs all seem to have
  18. can this be got on cd? i've got a rip of it from a while back, which is not vinyl sourced (so i assume it's available for download), yet i can't find it on cd. it's a pretty cool album, you're right. NP.
  19. i think i like this new one a lot better than the other, actually. i don't really like the whole build-up to helplessness blues, it would have been much better if it started at the point where the drums kick in, and the other bit was just dropped completely. also i'd prefer it if they sang in french or something, so i didn't have to pay attention to the words. actually, forget that - i just listened to it again whilst typing this - i don't like any of it, the lyrics make me want to punch something. i like the arrangement of this new one eventhough it's a little bit too soaked in reverb, and i
  20. I was going to say this. I absolutely love Karl Pilkington, and hearing Ricky Gervais laugh at him is just so infectious. I was watching the tv show of it the other day, and when Karl starts talking about how he'd been approached by people to see - now he's famous - whether he'd got any good ideas for films. They ask him if he'd got any actors in mind, and what ideas he had. He says he's got an for a film and he had Clive 'Warren' in mind for the male lead. And he means Clive Owen. Then he says the female role, and he's got Rebecca De Mornay in mind! That probably doesn't sound as funny as it
  21. I haven't seen Paul yet, I probably will watch it on DVD - it doesn't look good enough to go to the cinema for. Anyway, my Simon Pegg backlash would go all the way back to Shaun Of Dead - I do think it's a pretty good film, but it's nowhere near as funny as the tv show Spaced. I found Hot Fuzz funnier, but again the Hollywood film pastiches were pretty obvious and I think it would have worked a lot better without any of that and played it a lot straighter in terms of the style. The bottom line with it all is that Simon Pegg used to be really really funny in everything he was in, and now I don'
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