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Synthesizer Patel

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Everything posted by Synthesizer Patel

  1. yeah. shhhh now! go back to sleep didn't know about this coming out. it's got topknot and natch on it, which were a single from 2004 so it's not all new. topknot is a fantastic song!
  2. yeah, like it says on the cover it wouldn't be the running order, but i think they were the songs that would have made it as the core and all these other things like Child Is The Father Of The Man etc... would have either not been on it or just minor elements within main songs. i think i read that hereos and villians was mixed and completed in 2 parts which was going to be the A and B side of the single, so that song alone is going to be incredible if they do have the tapes of that finished, and maybe that contains the elements of these shorter lesser songs which i think were too expanded on t
  3. the back cover of the album artwork they made in 67 was this: Do You Like Worms Wind Chimes Heroes And Villains Surfs Up Good Vibrations Cabin Essence Wonderful I’m In Great Shape The Elements Vega-Tables The Old Master Painter see it here: http://img140.images...ck300dping6.jpg but, it says "see label for correct playing order" now, that is a very weird running order they used, and it depends what "the elements" was going to include (i thought vega-tables & wind chimes were both part of that suite, but they are listed seperately?), but they might go with that tracklisting but in a
  4. i don't have a problem really with what they did to pet sounds, as they also had the mono mix - so it's like being given both choices. like you siad, the thing they did was actually remix it into stereo, as the beach boys only released stereo as duophonic during the 1960s - duophonic was basically the same single mono mix L & R, but with a slight time difference to give it a fake stereo feel. yes, i personally think music in the 1960s sounds better in mono. another way to explain it is to think that when they made the album they thought of the sound spectrum as 100, and they built up th
  5. i doubt it will be like brian wilson presents smile - i think that is too bloated to have been anywhere near what the album would have been like in the 1960s. i'm also really glad they're sticking with mono, it's going to sound brilliant - i'm just really anti stereo when it comes to music that was made whilst thinking about mono production, you just can't record and arrange things with mono in mind and then turn it into stereo without it sounding lacking . anyway, this box set is going to cost a fortune, so i'm going to start saving now.
  6. yeah, i was going to say get the Island Years cd, if people wanted to check out those albums. i'd still say get Paris, 1919 first and then probably Vintage Violence, then Island Years. i'm sure there are loads of literary references. it's obviously also about european politics and life in the inter-war period. Paris, 1919 being the "Paris Peace Conference of 1919", which was kind of the underlying cause of the rise of the nazi party etc.... the album works without thinking about that sort of thing, though. basically, it's got many layers like most great art.
  7. have you heard any of his other solo stuff? Paris, 1919 is pretty much a perfect album. if you know him only from the velvet underground you'll be very surprised by the arrangements - it really a baroque pop album, and really only bettered by Pet Sounds. Vintage Violence and Fear are two of his other albums (which came out either side of Paris,1919) that are brilliant albums. my favourite from Paris,1919 - the lyrics from this album are just insanely good
  8. oh, yeah i agree i'm not really interested in that either. it's just that i instantly recognized the melody of flowers in the rain and the bee gees massachusetts, and le martien i assume means the martian so thought it was weird he'd written a new song around the exact same melody. from what i've heard they definately sound like they're going to be good. i would have liked to pick up the next 2, but they are a little bit too expensive. the others were only £5 each including postage.
  9. cheers, i'll check him out too. that video really put me off, but the music is cool. i checked out the album on amazon and i'll be getting it next pay check - it's funny working out the covers le martien is flowers in the rain by the move, and la plus belle chose du monde is massachusetts; there a others too i don't speak french so i can't work out the translation or if it has anything to do with the originals
  10. wow! Jacques Dutronc is damn damn good. i just ordered his first 2 albums, hearing this on youtube won me over: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wudF6FJh8tA&feature=related
  11. cheers for that, i've got some of francoise and the others, but not dutronc so i'll check that out.
  12. yeah, polnareff's definately one of my favourite french musicians, although to be fair i don't know that many. who else do you recommend? (ignoring gainsbourg, of course)
  13. they're probably available on record, i've never checked to be honest (although they could just as easily be worth a small fortune) i know the cd copies are out of production and vary in price from about £20 to £50 or so. it's more about what an amazing job rhino did with the first 4 albums - with all the bonus tracks and mono & stereo versions of the albums (which is really important if you, like me, think the mono versions are better because that's how all these 60s bands thought about when building the sound of their albums), and they promised to do the whole series, and now it's all go
  14. i really like everything the bee gees did up until main course, myself. all their albums have some questionable material (which i still like anyway - just out of the fact that they were adventurous enough to try different things), but they are too good to be out of print like they are. i was deseperately waiting for cucumber castle to come out with bonus material etc... maybe even the film included, as it's my favourite album, and that's the exact point at which they seemed to have thrown in the towel on reissue series.
  15. a couple i like: sunbeam light in the attic i'm a bit pissed off with rhino at the moment for seemingly giving up on their bee gees releases, and rhino homemade (whilst being amazing in terms of quality) are just way too expensive a lot of the time.
  16. popular music has declined in quality, so without music industry backing to promote crap acts it should mean people will actually like the best stuff, rather than being told what is the best stuff. as for the live thing, yeah - i guess that's a problem. but, on the plus side you won't have to turn on the telly or radio and hear bad music quite so much (see above for the same reason). i'd imagine the bigger acts who made a living selling their music however that is done when the industry collapses will still tour, i'd imagine and the smaller acts would probably still play live, just you'd hav
  17. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=P1YcGQYi_Lg there was an episode when Lurch needed to learn to dance - i could have posted a clip of him or Wednesday doing the watusi, but this one had a great song with it, so chose it instead. anyway, you get the point. you're right, by the way, it's not a great dance record for normal people.
  18. i wonder if they've got a graph for the quality in output? anyway, the thing that seems to be implied by "the collapse of the music industry" is that it'll mean the end of music making. that seems to be the implication and the scare- tactic employed when this subject comes up. it's not like the collapse of the coal industry, oil industry etc.... which means the end of those things, all the collapse of the music industry would bring about is that music would no longer make money (or at least not be profitable enough for people to treat it as a sound business move), not that no music would be
  19. it's not that nice. the brits are about as much a piss-take of what's good in current music as the grammy awards are. it's not the bafta awards, by the way, that's for film. it's "the brits"
  20. Do you believe in magic? - The Lovin' Spoonful
  21. now playing this: in anticipation of pre-odering this (it's even in mono!): whilst slightly lamenting this man's fall, which - whilst not quite being as big as lucifer's - is certainly up there with rod stewart's then i'm gonna have a go on this:
  22. cool. i like how radiohead go about making and releasing music now. i've never exactly loved their music, but it seems the more they move away from the whole record company thing, the more i enjoy it.
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