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Everything posted by jimmyjimmy

  1. The Geese of Beverly Road We'll take ourselves out in the street And wear the blood in our cheeks Like red roses We'll go from car to sleeping car And whisper in their sleeping ears We were here, we were here We'll set off the geese of Beverly Road Hey, love, we'll get away with it We'll run like we're awesome, totally genius Hey, love, we'll get away with it We'll run like we're awesome We won't be disappointed We'll fight like girls for our place at the table Our room on the floor We'll set off the geese of Beverly Road Hey, love, we'll get away with it We'll run like we're awesome,
  2. See, I knew someone would come through for me: You Sir are a scholar and a gentleman. Also, I think you can appreciate a nice butt when you see it. Tks! They are beautiful ladies...
  3. The uptight prude-ish/ puritanical American corporate firewall that I lurk behind will not allow me to post some of the finer images of Beyonce Knowles or Shakira; ( two of the reigning Queens of the "High profile" booty category).
  4. This is terrific stuff. I'll be thinking about this all day long.
  5. Golden age hollywood beauties? Rita Hayworth
  6. Just finished Nick Hornby's "Long way Down". Overall I liked it and would say that I enjoyed it more than "How to be good". The way in which the narrative was delivered by the four principal characters was effective and while I can see where it might turn some people off I thought it worked pretty well. NR: Dylan's Chronicles (This book really does live up to the hype. Very good so far....)
  7. She is just so beautiful. I don't know why exactly but I find girl bass players so absolutely sexy. W/Britta I think it has something to do with her stature in relation to the instrument:Hot. That statement strikes me funny somehow... Today: Eva
  8. Damn. She's not at all like I recall .... *wOot*
  9. Vintage Angelina (Sorry bout the size...) EDIT: Jessica Rosario Salma
  10. Just finished: Whoever posted this one, thanks. I enjoyed it. Just starting Hornby's Long way Down. I like the dialog in part one so far.
  11. Amps: 2007 Savage Macht 12x 1966 Fender Tremolux Head/Cab Guitars: 79 Les Paul Custom (Silverburst) 80 Les Paul Heritage 59 Reissue (Honeyburst) "Frankenstein" Strat ( Warmouth neck-Dimarzio Body, Fender electrics) 08-09 G&L SC-2 Belair Green 1966 Martin D-18 Late fifties 3/4 Kay;( Silvertone) Effects/Pedalboard: NYC Pedalboard (Bigshot) Ernie Ball Vol. jr Fulltone 69 Fullyone Mini Deja Vibe2 Death By Audio Super Sonic Fuzz Gun Zvex Fuzzfactory Zvex Ooh Wah II Zvex Super Hard On EH Holy Grail EarthQuaker Devices Ghost Reverb EarthQuaker Devices Hummingbird II Choppy Tremelo Earthqua
  12. What are those girls at Dead shows called that do the funny hippie dance where they twirl around, "Spinners"??? Where are all the Spinners?
  13. Does any of this really exsist?? Sorry........I don't think it does: Initially I thought I was just "extra slooow" this AM, but after much Java I still couldn't find it.
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