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Everything posted by sonicshoulder

  1. Understood but mom wa there first. Doesn't give her the right to be childish but it's probably going to be a whole hell of alot easier for the girlfriend conform temporarily if she cared about her relationship with beehive.
  2. Seperate checking accounts are the key to a good marriage. People can sugarcoat all they want, I would estimate at least 90% of all arguments in marriages stem from money. Love comes a lot easier when the bills are paid.
  3. Listen to this man. Hate to say it but it won't work if she doesn't come around. She doesn't have to turn into your mom's best friend but if she can't fake smile through a few mandatory visits and functions a year(x-mas, thanksgiving, etc..) it won't work. Look into the future if you will at let's just say a Christmas in 8 years with a giant elephant in the room. "Hi grandkids, wheres your mother, let me guess headache?" I hate when adults can't coexist. Do you really want to mediate this nonsense for the next however many years?
  4. My record player is a complete peice of shit but I think it's on the record. The vinyl is clean and the skip is consistent. It's no big deal I was just wondering if anybody else had the same skip.
  5. Political campaign yard signs. This might actually be my #1, the pain is exponential each month after the election.
  6. I'm thinkin "Albert Poon and the Antique Echo Chamber Boys", if thats not it I have no idea.
  7. I thought just seeing the word Nickelback would scare people.
  8. Just heard a little skip on IATTBYH, has to be "factory", only second time that one has been played and it looks flawless. Is that possible, audiophiles, anyone, Bueller, Bueller?
  9. Just letting you know you've inspired a poll in the "someone else's song" forum. By the way I see you are from N.C., are those four Yuengling Lights one the counter in your profile picture...if so be grateful. It's kind of a long drive from here for one of those.
  10. My last vinyl from Amazon (M.O.F.) arrived in good shape but the box could have fit two regular shoe boxes easily. I thought that was a bit ridiculous.
  11. How about when someone(lets just say my wife) puts things like a pizza box in our 13 gallon garbage can....just happened!
  12. My new jackass project manager who is so worried about cost,cost,cost that he's going to cost us a contract. Although he may not be my boss for long because today I told him his "cost" was third on my priority list behind safety of my guys and quality of work. If I can bite my tongue for another year or so he'll likely get fired but he already knows I think he is a moron and its only been 2 1/2 weeks.
  13. GOOD CALL! You'll never get it cheaper, and after all it is four records.
  14. 8 new available, starting at $90.00. says Amazon
  15. I don't know...The one No Code Vinyl Amazon has available is going for $178.95 and I'm sure they pressed a whole lot more of them than KT.
  16. Who and what the fuck is that at the end of Candyfloss, I don't know either but I've always loved it.
  17. I believe what I'm supposed to say is "one break...comin up" and then leap off an amp showing care not to split my fuchsia sequin pants
  18. As am I. Judging from my short period of time on this site and a few profile views of the "Tyrant of Torrent" I'm guessing he's well versed on this subject. That being said I can almost picture his "den" with walls of vinyl filled milk crates,stacks of 8-tracks and perhaps even a reel to reel. Those links aren't foolin me, I'm sure his portfolio is diversified.
  19. I also have been burned by technology to the point that I'm scared to do the file sharing in fear of crashing my computer. As I stated in the "is the cd dead" thread I prefer used(sometimes new) cd's off Amazon. You get the hard copy,case,artwork, liner notes for often less than a typical $9.99 download. I do import everything into Itunes and the cd often never comes out of the case again so it stays mint. I just picked up a Pernice Bros cd for $1.49+ $2.98 shipping. The cd was brand new in plastic. I have never had a single problem with a cd bought through Amazon. File sharing is definately
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