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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. The new episode of Detectorists is on BBC2 in the UK on Boxing Day, and elsewhere later in 2023.
  2. I recall reading about that stuff somewhere - maybe in The Tapers books or a blog?
  3. Yea - back on topic. I re-watched that so-called lost black and white 1970 film from Europe the other day. I love watching how Jerry answers those questions at that party or whatever it was. I wonder who that girl with the dark eye shadow is that was often seen taking photographs. I think next to the Alligator Strat period my favorite Jerry sound is when he was playing that SG.
  4. Move on - we don't need negative threads about the Grateful Dead or any other bands. Plus it is sort of weird there is next to no posting on here anymore - and people swoop down to trash a band.
  5. Oddly enough - that was the first Bruce album I ever bought. I found it in a junk shop in the early 1990s. It was still sealed when I bought it. It's amazing he carried that tape around in his pocket for a while. And then made the album from that tape.
  6. We don't need it - move on - you are 20 years late. I myself used to spend a lot of time going on and on about how much I hated certain bands. It does not do anyone any good. Talk about what you do like.
  7. We get it - you don't like the Grateful Dead. You don't need to waste your time saying it over and over again.
  8. My first Wilco show. And the first Wilco live show I was ever given on cd a few days later. The next year is when I met some people here for the first time. And also the first time I met Jeff.
  9. Saw it at the theater back in the day - and on Cinemax many times after that - Don't forget The Plimsouls - I guess John Cusack does not care for Better Off Dead. That's a shame.
  10. I have not watched that documentary. I think in the U2 by U2 book they also talk down the film/album. I am watching it now. I see what you are saying. That is pretty much the same stuff he goes on about in the book. It will be interesting to see if he carries on with those beliefs in his new book. But to me my favorite U2 albums/time span will always be The Unforgettable Fire/The Joshua Tree/Rattle and Hum.
  11. It's a shame they don't release a boxset of that film/album with extra stuff. But I doubt they ever will.
  12. I think it was more made fun of or written off In Europe rather than here. I think it's great. I saw it twice when it played in theaters.
  13. Yes - it was so much better. I guess we will see what they do - they could call it Back in Dublin. Or Highway to Derry.
  14. My first thought when I read that was of the mostly horrible R.E.M. album Monster.
  15. If you look around a lot of people have been trying to find that album. It seems to be not available. I don't really chase after cds anymore. But I went through this recently with an album called Through The Devil Softly (Hope Sandoval and The Warm Inventions). It is available - but only for a lot of money. The same with an album by a group called The Springfield Rifle that I would like to have. At least the stuff is on Youtube.
  16. The Search for One-Eye Jimmy (1994)
  17. I am curious about the new albums. I may dig around and check them out.
  18. Anyone see Ryan recently? Apparently - he played some Uncle Tupelo songs the other night in St. Louis. I have not heard any of them - but I think he has released 4 or 5 albums this year.
  19. I think it is the "Send in the clowns. . ." part which they had to pay for (as you know). I think I also have an original pressing of Red Rocks on vinyl.
  20. I can't recall what is cut from Under a Blood Re Sky. I also have the VHS and DVD. I will have to look that up.
  21. I am pretty sure the first thing I got was the tape of Under a Blood Red Sky. I still have it. Which has different stuff on it than the newer releases.
  22. They are probably one of the few bands I listened to that were current when I was young (early 1980s) and still listen to today. But yea - I have never seen them. My dream would have been to see them on The Unforgettable Fire or The Joshua Tree tour.
  23. Aha - I have never seen the band live. So I have not heard about that.
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