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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. I don't want to buy the book - but I will read it once it makes it way to my local library. The Black Crowes did a thing where they re-did songs. The album is called Croweology. I would be interested if they did a mostly acoustic re-invention of the songs.
  2. Yea - I don't know what he was thinking there. That album is horrible. It's a shame he and Rod can't do more that a couple of shows every so many years.
  3. What about Fletch Lives (1989)? I recently watched the entire run of Gotham (not really my thing - but I was down with the virus). I am now watching The Lorenskog Disappearance. Which is really the sort of thing I watch on there. I also watched for the 4th time Criminal UK. Which I still think is the best of all those (France, Spain, and Germany). Although I did like them all. Also - the CCR documentary is on Netflix now. I have to say it is not much. If you already know about the band - it is nothing new. But we do get to see some new concert footage. I pre
  4. Not available on The Road Case Not available at Nugs.net No AUD sources ever appeared
  5. I did not know that. I guess these things have a 20 year life span. I've been on there for 16 years this month. It's the one place people started posting SBDs once Dime a Dozen cracked down on Wilco's no SBDs policy. OF course lately - it was just someone posting the same old shows we already have over and over again.
  6. Aha - I guess they are thinking all the people who grab AUD shows will buy the shows now. Thanks for the information. We will still see shows up at bt.etree.org/Dime a Dozen/The Traders' Den unless someone officially changes the policy for Wilco at those sites.
  7. How much can they actually make off of selling live shows by way of another company (I am guessing the company takes a cut)? Plus it would be nice if they put out something official on one of their websites or whatever. It does seem odd after all this time.
  8. I have to wonder what the reason is for changing the policy. Maybe someone here can find out.
  9. Here it is - does not appear on their website - but link is still active: Wilco Taping Policy Wilco official site->Shows->Photo and Taping Policies . Wilco does permit audio taping and trading of live performances wherever it does not conflict with venue or other restrictions beyond our control. We do not allow direct soundboard patches. Wilco supports the free trading of live recordings for non-commercial purposes. We do not allow filming or video of any type without prior written permission.
  10. That's interesting. I don't see it on their website anywhere. Maybe that was just for a certain show. It would be nice if they put out something official on their website or Facebook page.
  11. As far as I know - it has not changed.
  12. That must be it. I have not heard that album in a long time.
  13. Not very many new shows these days - usually a lot of old shows appear - and then maybe some new shows. Or sometimes they appear months or years later. I don't think we have seen a quick turnaround on shows in a long time. I could be wrong. Bt.etree.org, Dime a Dozen, and The Traders' Den are the 3 places I look.
  14. I'm not seeing that anywhere. All I see is vinyl/cd/Mp3 packages. Maybe it's just for the physical product then.
  15. I'd say you are right. The Wilco store and other places now list the 30th as the release date.
  16. Oddly enough - I have been re-watching all those great documentaries they have on Youtube. I think they must film everything when they go on tour. That was actually the last Iron Maiden album I bought also. I don't think l have heard it since 1987 or so.
  17. Below are all the shows we have collected and uploaded to The Wilco Live Show Archive from January 2022-June 2022:
  18. I saw some recent video the other day. It was a train wreck. The drums do not work.
  19. Another RA connection - the end of Many Worlds reminds me of something Ryan has done. But I can't think of what song.
  20. Do you know the song Stories We Could Tell? Google likes to tell us it is a Tom Petty song - but it is not. It was written by John Sebastian. And covered by many people.
  21. The Misunderstood - I Can Take You To The Sun (from Riverside, CA)
  22. I got my 2nd booster shot yesterday. I don't feel out of it this time. But there is a big knot on my arm again. I think last time it was sore for over a week.
  23. Those are really the only two Judas Priest albums I ever listen to. That video is from The Old Grey Whistle Test show. I have always liked Winter/Deep Freeze/Winter Retreat. I guess they do no own the masters to those first two albums. I think I got Sad Wings of Destiny when I was a teenager in the early 1980s.
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