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Everything posted by augurus

  1. I thought it was a great show for the first four season, but then it went downhill. I tried as hard as I could to pinpoint it but my friend noted that the characters have become caricatures of what themselves instead of spontaneous growing. I would highly recommend the first four seasons. But the latest episodes have not impressed me. The Simpsons also suffers from the aforementioned problem.
  2. Mass Romantic's music sounded pretty good. But the lyrics were/are some of the Pornographers worst by a far margin. I like this track. This new direction definitely sounds like the progression from the sunsetting sound of These Are The Fables.
  3. I thought Sorkin weaved the rapid fire witty strikes beautifullly. I don't see why people see this as a bust. And the writers that complain that it doesn't depict SNL at all are comparing apples to oranges. Sorkin did the same thing with West Wing. Even though it was based on Clinton, the story was never about retelling Clinton's presidency. Sigh.
  4. How does that sound? I've heard some good things so far.
  5. Here's the question of the future. Where's Juliette?
  6. We're assuming Kate is smart enough to realize that faking her own death on the island is a good idea. Thus, taking on a different alias upon leaving the island is probably the best way to evade interpol and etc.
  7. That's quite the season finale, and more. If that's not Penelope's Boat,...
  8. I would recommend your advice, but I wouldn't command my peers to do so. I would suggest sampling the album before casting judgement. And yes, I don't like Sky Blue Sky for its 60s/70s soft rock revival, which doesn't sound as refreshing as previous records. The packaging is great. I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about, but Wilco has already figured out how to get around the annoying stickers that bind normal CDs. Those stickers leave residual marks even if you're extremely careful, which is still annoying. Secondly, they're a pain to peel. Finally, most CD cases come
  9. Great song. Stop abusing and commercializing the effect to every theme. Just because it's great doesn't mean it will synchronize with your scene. There has been a popular trend in the business to score an entire score among emotional montage (and etc.) to dramatize and exaggerate the emotions. This was the beginning of the end for E.R. (as well as the departure of Anthony Edwards). Many other televisions shows and movies have also followed this similar pattern. Turn it off.
  10. I'm guessing it leaked. How is it? Descriptions preaseru! More Engrish for all! was in the car: just finished at home: And oh..., maybe mother told you true, and there'll always be somebody there for you. And you'll never be alone.
  11. Gallowsbird's Bark presents 'straigtforward' blues pop songwriting.
  12. It's streaming on their official website. And man, do I need more hazy pop in my life.
  13. Dimeadozen might still have the Atlanta show on torrent. I was listening to Gallowsbirds Bark and EP earlier today. Here Comes The Summer springs (punderdome!) to mind immediately. I wonder if this tour contains the odd percussion from autumn 2006 that supposedly put Spaniolated on the setlist. This thread requires more love.
  14. Modest Mouse 2007, May 03rd Philadelphia, Pennsylvania The Electric Factory Paper Thin Walls Ocean Breathes Salty Dashboard Florida Fire It Up Bukowski Float On Education Trailer Trash Tiny Cities Made Of Ashes Missed The Boat Doin' The Cockroach The View --- Encore Break Bury Me With It Spitting Venom >I Came As A Rat [tease] >King Rat [tease]
  15. Surprisingly, I got Amsterdam (not Young Folks) stuck in my friend's mind.
  16. Purchased! Also, Dirty Frank!
  17. I really think they're not in purgatory as debunked numerous times by show producers. Hell? No. The pace is picking up a little bit. Also, ABC sucks at previewing new episodes.
  18. Way to go QOTSA.com for teasing us with your loop of Sick Sick Sick and taking down 3s & 7s.
  19. Menomena - I Am The Fun Blame Monster
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