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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. so our population isn't larger than it was in the late teens and early 20s?
  2. I don't have answers to the first line of questions, as I never said what happened then was justified or morally acceptable. If you are inferring that my lack of PERSONAL guilt over what happened, means that I don't find it sad...you're incorrect. Legally, horrible as it was, I don't think any laws existed to be broken. Which leads me to the second line of questions, where we now do have laws that are in place not just to protect legal residents of the US, but those who want to gamble w/ not only their lives, but the lives of their families as well. You were the one that was comparing the tw
  3. alright then, if you need to reach me...i'll be in church.
  4. Probably because you are comparing two extremely different moments in time w/ completely different circumstances/civilizations. On a side note, am I supposedd to feel personally guilty about that period of time and, if so, what is the proper recourse...deport myself back to England?
  5. yeah, superbad was funny enough...but i like knocked up better.
  6. well, we've been told to take him in for an x-ray later today and see what's going on. i'm sure it's nothing to freak out over, but you always worry a little.
  7. well, it's like I said, i'm sure that there is some subsection of 'the establishment' or 'white people' that these artists really do take issue with and justifiably so. however, just like anybody who is rallying against a certain group or issue or whatever...you hit a point of practicality that makes it hard to be 100% into it. the world isn't totally black/white, no matter how much you rap about it. plus, hip hop has gone beyond Russel Simmons and Rick Rubin shipping records out of a dorm room...it's a huge fucking business. people are getting paid. paid by a large % of white suburban teena
  8. i'm worried that since owen hasn't passed the dime he swallowed yet, the doctor is going to tell us they have to go in after it...if the x-ray shows it is still there...once we get an x-ray done.
  9. happy birthday and beulah's 'coast is never clearer'! those kids are looking awesome!
  10. i don't think kanye really hates each and every white person...especially the gaggles of them buying his album. really though, if this artist doesn't know me personally...i just chalk it up to a generalization towards the subsets of white america that are legitimately holding those of color down.
  11. yes, your one post about your band has tarnished this burgeoning e-community forver. i hope you are happy. seriously, the horror.
  12. cool. i'm too lazy to post them, but there are new pics of dark knight/ledger as the joker floating around: geek in the city
  13. okay, i think Vh1 has permanently fucked up my enjoyment of anything flavor flav. and this track is simple musically but i'm digging it. chuck d still has it.
  14. i saw red son action figures for bataman and green lantern as well. is it just supes in that series?
  15. wow, that really is fucked up. about as fucked up as...
  16. Awesome. Perfect. Exactly what I was looking for. I saw that Planet Hulk when I was there and that definitely looks interesting...but i'll look into them all. Thanks all. IRON FIST! There's a blast from the past.
  17. i'll take it and will make you proud. i'll expect my standard-issue black t-shirt and mustache comb to arrive via next-day air.
  18. finally heard this and yes, it is pretty damn impressive.
  19. okay, for the first time in what seems like a mazillion years, I went into a legitimate comic book store over lunch and really spent some time browsing. i'm not really looking to get into a series per say, but I did see a few graphic novels/hardbound collections that piqued my interest. most notably... I sat down and read the entire 'Kingdom Come' novel at Tower before it closed and really dug it. So, can anybody... A. Tell me if that 'Justice' is worth picking up. B. Give me any other graphic novels worth looking into. I'm a Marvel guy for the most part, but it seems like DC is churn
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