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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. hey A-man, can you check if there was a thread about comic books/graphic novels or give me a ruling that if I start one, it could peacefully co-exist w/ this one on comic book movies?
  2. Pete Rock is incredible and those albums w/ CL were golden. perm, some good picks...especially that KMD album.
  3. Good post, BP. That's a classic, but i have a tough time deciding if it's that or black planet I like the most. i go either way depending on the day. i grew up in rural, very white, central illinois...Yo!, PE and NWA blew my mind and opened my eyes. on a completely different tip, can any of you uber hipster music mavens tell me if i'm supposed to dig peter, bjorn & john or not? i caught their killer video for young folks and now i can't get the song out of my head. should i dig deeper?
  4. the joy of purchasing individual tracks via iTunes and/or file-sharing.
  5. you mean the thick latino asses? can't fault him for that.
  6. oh yeah, tully. there are some great albums during 93-97, some i'd put into my top 20. can't deny any of these periods for bringing about some great music. Truth.
  7. i have the sugar hill cuts i like, but never felt compelled to get that full collection. no denying there were some classic jams before 88 as well.
  8. b to the b, you know plenty...i'm not challenging your favorites or knowledge of the game, but as stated illmatic constanty get's handed that title by critics, etc. and i was just saying i don't get it. definitely up there for me too, may be even top 10...but i think if pressed, i could come up w/ others to top it. tribe got a little too r&b for me, but they did stay relveant for a lot longer than their fellow native tongue posse. also, i thought de la had some great stuff on bullhoone mindstate and then kind of lost it after dissolving the relation ship w/ producer prince paul. while
  9. when Tupac joined Death Row, that's when everything went sour for me...i only listened to rap/hip-hop in passing at that point.
  10. i played the shit out of No Rest for the Wicked.
  11. barely, December of 92. i'd actually lump it in w/ 93-97. illmatic is killer, but i don't see how it could fit the bill of greatest of all time. respectfully.
  12. i think its pretty obvious that eddie is a total self absorbed piece of crap, but if you deny his genius i dont think you've listened to the bulk of his catalog. you should check it out.
  13. we still didn't have MTV at that point, so I camped out at a friend's house to catch it. did the same thing for the MTV cabo wabo opening special they did, hoping for some shread of preview of FUCK. afterwards, I also saw Tribe's video for 'Scenario' for the first time. damn. i love the immediate accesibility of the interent and all, but i really do miss the days where you had to work at catching this kind of stuff.
  14. When It's Love and Nothin' But A Good Time...never cease to make 100 memories of high school rush into my head.
  15. i wouldn't bother. outside of the aforementioned tune, the rest of the disc was pretty stinky.
  16. oh, i know...i was just adding the exclamation point to your statement.
  17. actually, i wished his music lived up to his bravado. i like crazy as hell rock stars like that...as long as they have the music to back it up.
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