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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. I agree completely and like I said earlier, Foley should be prosecuted for solicitation and whatever else they throw at him. However, looking at the transcript that Edie posted, the guy isn't exactly rebuffing him either. Why not just say 'dude, you hitting on me is wrong and you should stop. now.' and end it there versus making palns for dinner and 'hanging out . . . late into the night'?
  2. did i mention i'm going to watch this wearing a cool whip bikini?
  3. I just listened to the clips on iTunes (I had no idea they even had a new one out) and i'm remarkably unmoved. I loved the last three, especially 'Yours...' and this just seems kind of meh.
  4. "ya I cant wait til dc." The youth asked, "did you pick a night for dinner." this guy is a total douche, but wtf?
  5. super. no spat. I just had no idea why you posted that, as an average joe lying about it vs. the president while under oath in a court of law lying about it are two completely different things...whether you support clnton and/or thought he should have been asked the question in the first place. that's all.
  6. Seconded w/ the caveat i've never been to Austin.
  7. Not really, but hell if I know...I thought the whole thing was a waste of time.
  8. reni, as an activist, what do you think of the sex toy situation going down in Texas? i'm pretty concerned that whole thing is one step away from republicans putting chips in our heads that make us want to IM w/ teenage boys. your thoughts?
  9. Okay, one more question... Will the ghosts of any members of the Von Erich family make an appearance?
  10. Will the show tackle any 'straight-from-the-headlines' subject matter ala Law & Order? There seems to be a big sex toy problem in Tejas, will FNL devote a very special episode to that or Kinky Friedman?
  11. I'm going to watch in a bikini made of cool whip.
  12. I should get out of the house by the 10th anniversary, so keep a cerveza cold for me until then.
  13. Awesome. I'm going to both watch it and tape it simultaneously, then study it like the zapruder film. Hey, you should have James Vanderbeek do a walk-on where he just comes on screen and goes: Seriously, awesome stuff buddy...i'll check it out.
  14. He plays the curmudgeonly equipment manager w/ a heart of gold.
  15. Are there an yetis or any gratuitous nudity?
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