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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. The next one is going to look like this w/ A-man cupping his t-balls.
  2. Reason #847 YouTube is the best thing since camerphone pictures of JessFlickthatBicandLightABowl wearing nothing but pants... Fucking, classic.
  3. The next one is going to look like this w/ A-man cupping her t-balls.
  4. word. i scrapped 4 other versions last week and then this morning, I just sat down and threw some things in the skillet and cooked it. it's interesting, i think.
  5. I've finished a mix for that mix exchange thing. Going to give it a road test over lunch. It's a smattering of all sorts of stuff. and things. plus, plenty of whatnot.
  6. Bjorn's earlier post has made me nostalgic for the 'Marvel Supervillan Match-Up: Dr. Doom vs. The Red Skull' comic I used to own and now have no idea where it is. plus, i've added the director's cut of Blade Runner to our Netflix.
  7. That Popular Mechanics article debunking all of the conspiracy theories posted on here earlier was very well done. There is, of course, tons of shady shit that has and will continue to be perpetuated by our government that we'll never know about...I just don't think that this one of those instances.
  8. I was thinking of you specifically earlier today, Martin. Strength to you and yours.
  9. Yeah, you can see how he mashing his foot into the flag w/ intent to 'desecrate'. Whee.
  10. Logan got his first two 3 weeks ago and now it seems Owen has cut his first tooth as well. and he's letting my wife hear all about it. ouch.
  11. Yes. They weren't in the same U.S. studio as everybody else, they were on tour in Europe and they broadcast that live from a soundstage there for the telethon. I know Dave Stewart is a friend of the band and has done some things w/ them musically in the past, more production-related. Natalie Imbruglia, another friend of the band, is in the chorus near the end. Looking at the lyrics to both, while both are great, I think they made the better choice.
  12. That'd be Dave Stewart, formerly of the Eurythmics.
  13. Which, funny enough, had nothing to do w/ 9/11...just like 'Walk On' didn't. It's crazy how that day gave just about anything you listened to the potential to resonate so much relative to the events and eveything that happened. Forgot about this one HERE.
  14. what color do they turn when they go bad...muuuuuuch like this board hasand keeping his analogy intact? jimmy doesn't like zuchinni and hasn't smoke reefer for 3-4 years, so he doesn't know.
  15. Oh, that's supposed to be shit. I thougt they were zuchinnis and that you're finally giving a waterbong that old college try. BAM!
  16. Awesome. Thanks for weighing in.
  17. As you should and as everybody should be allowed to. I'm much better now, but I had a hard time on the ride into work today. I haven't listened to the radio in my car for like 2-3 months, but it was on from yesterday's Bears game and i hadn't put a CD back in yet. I switched over to XRT this morning and heard Springsteen's 'The Rising'...for some reason I got all teary again. If they would have played 'My City of Ruins' I think I would have probably had to pull over. Those are two of a small bunch of songs that immediately take me back to that time period. Tonight, i'll likely pop in the
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