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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. smartass, no. jackass, pretty much. jesus.
  2. Fat Boys Version from 'Disorderlies' > Beatles Version
  3. 'shalom Pee Wee, my name is Shalomo.' Dude, it's common knowledge that ringo played bass on that song...I thought you were a big Beatles fan.
  4. i liked it, actually. very laid back and free of pretensionousness. however, there were no cloggers in the 'Uncensored' VHS tape...so you may be talking about a different Sunset Strip.
  5. When me and my buddies paid a visit to Whiskey Row, that shit was crazy! It felt like we were Motley Crue crusing the Sunset Strip in that big limo w/ the strpper-filled jacuzzi they rented for the 'Uncensored' VHS tape. and Top 5 Members of the Four Horsemen.
  6. Top 5 members of Grandmaster Flash & the Furious 5 or Top 5 members of The Funky Four + 1
  7. Just like an angel gets his wings every time a bell rings...somehwere, out there, drawers drop every time somebody plays a Tom Jones song.
  8. Screw the birthday song. C'mon, you know the words... FOR YOUR B-DAY...SHARING THE LAUGHTER. AND LOVE.
  9. I never knew you played guitar. Color me impressed.
  10. i'd ilke to give props to the beijing team for another excellent conference call this evening. even w/ the delay in providing the MRP load for the ramp schedule...we seem to be still on target for customer ship acceptance. FRESH!
  11. sorry, I can't hear you over the annoyingly huge picture in your singnature.
  12. Yeah, didn't work. I don't know what to tell you other than I appreciate you tryin'. You can always burn a copy and send it ole school if you really want to get it out there...I really would dig hearin' it.
  13. cool. my wife refuses to watch horror movies of any sort. it is one of her very few flaws. The original Halloween is still my favorite legitimately 'scary' horror flick. I have much more expertise in the 'gore' or 'schlock' category.
  14. That is such bullshit and I would have totally taken Chinese instead of French had it been offered in HS. That's effing cool.
  15. Fargo Rock City is still his best work, but i've liked them all.
  16. thanks. probably not near to that scale, but yes...we've moved a lot things to other countries from manufacturing to customer service. granted, not all of either, but big chunks. All of the engineering reources i'm working w/ on all my North American products are either in Beijing or Brazil.
  17. What's the rest of the list? Goddamn, over and above the hip hop stylings, are you horror flick fiend too?!
  18. May have to check that out. Thanks for the heeds up.
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