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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. fuck it. i'm posting this here as well. now all the children around the world can live the dream...
  2. between that, the ball kissing, ball massaging and Diane Keaton...I won't be able to get up from my desk until mid afternoon..
  3. That's fucking awesome...as is the Goodfellas cigar. I watched that for the 67th time on TBS this past weekend...much like Ferris Bueller, it's one of those movies I will stop on and watch in it's entirety EVERY time I flip to it. If they ever released a promotional 'Six Demon Bag' along w/ 'Big Trouble in Little China'...I would probably trade both the twins for it. I'm still thinking about dropping a few hundy for this: but may just settle for this:
  4. They should do that in every theatre as a promotional thing...just like the chairs rigged to give you an electric shock when you went and saw 'The Tingler' way back in the day.
  5. That EP is stellar...I can't wait for this album to drop. I hate to say I may even like it better than the Beta Band...may.
  6. I'm not afraid to admit that the pages found within this... ...almost made me go blind.
  7. True that, but the thought of the zippers on those fly red jumpsuits they were wearing being pulled down just a few more inches cancelled that out and made things even.
  8. I wore camoflauge plants to work today. Stealthy. and, relative to the last handful of posts, i'd probably sleep w/ the Go-Go's, The Bangles AND Dianne Keaton. One at a time or all at once.
  9. I was way behind on that one...Ron Cey hooked me up on that one. His two mix CD's 'Fast Rap' and 'Sound of the Funky Drummer' are awesome too.
  10. With every post like that, you steal a little bit more of my heart. That was the made-for-TV-movie to end all made-for-TV-movies. I don't think i've ever heard anything as wack as the three words: Mrs. Doubtfire Two. $10 it'll go into our Netflix when it comes out on DVD regardless. Ugh.
  11. Maybe not my Top 10, but there is some great indie/underground stuff that was actually the catalyst to spark my interest back up in the whole genre... People Under the Stairs Giant Panda Mr. Lif Edan Diverse Lyrics Born OhMega Watts MF Doom Good shit bubbling up underneath the sludge dominating the airwaves. Worth checking out. Speaking of Del, I nabbed a great new track (360 degrees) from DJ Craze, Del, Mr. Lif & Push Button Objects...way cool and it's going on the mix.
  12. Much love for both Gang Starr and the Pharcyde. Even bigger love for Carlos Von Carlos...I knew a thread like this would be like the Bat Signal or, in this case, Chimp Signal.
  13. heading out for the boys 6-month checkup! SIX FREAKING MONTHS OLD! Crazy.
  14. as an occasionally wannabe black guy, I take offense.
  15. DL'ed it, but haven't got a chance to listen to it...but i'm looking forward to it.
  16. Last song I heard on the car stereo when I left college for the real world. Misty water-colored memories, son.
  17. Liked the soundtrack...LOVE that movie. Watched it a gazillion times when it first hit HBO. Kyle, there was some fun stuff on that Judgement Night soundtrack...The De La/Teenage Fanclub track is awesome! Pee...DAS EFX...noice.
  18. You flippin' rule, Rich. Appreciate you even trying. Thanks.
  19. Fucking A...Osama has a hit out on Bobby Brown?!
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