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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. Cheaper By the Dozen II, son! That shit is wack!
  2. Ok, I watched three episodes of Project Runway last night too...but I refuse to watch Cheaper by the Dozen II, which she made me put in our Netflix que.
  3. I can provide a plethora of examples, in BETA, VHS, DVD, WMV and Quicktime format, that would prove otherwise. The fact that Ron Cey referred to that BBQ sauce as a mere 'condiment' makes me so angry I could pummel him w/ a mouse. Is poortranslator BBH?
  4. that's not my room...she's not doing reverse cowgirl.
  5. I just read that. I actually liked Jimmy Garvin, except when he turned good for a while after Ronnie was hit in the face by a fireball from Jim Cornette. I was also amazed when he and Steve Regal beat the Road Warriors for the AWA belts. I've been OD'ing on all the live action japanese TV shows on YouTube the past few weeks, no i'm going to have to look for both Starblazers and Battle of the Planets. Damn you to hell.
  6. I'd like to give a big birthday shoutout to VC member sparkly_roy, who I imagine as looking like Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin.
  7. actually, I think colbert is the dairy prince of FLA.
  8. I'd like to chime in and submit that while I don't say 'bollocks', that I frequently use the phrase 'holy balls!' when registering shock over something. Keeping it real for my brothers in the coalition of the willing! Jethro, my old lady likes Kelly Clarkson and Project Runway...things could be worse.
  9. That stream is the reason there was an email chain amongst my high school buddies spanning the past few days over the fact that the song 'Little Susie's on the Up' was not in fact done by TESLA, but a group called PhD.
  10. I'd like to submit the prospect that those bears may represent their parents and up until a particular age, may need to help their kids w/ matters of a hygenic nature. Much like breastfeeding, the whole transaction is utilitarian and completely unsexual. Unless the bears are republican and then my guess is that they are lulling them into a false sense of security before they kill them.
  11. and with that, you've made me fall in love w/ you all over again. Anybody who doesn't like that commerical has no heart and should sign up for military duty to become an unfeeling killing machine immediately.
  12. You tell me, does the chunker on the right need something like that. He may not be at 'epic proportions', but he's roughly the same size at 5
  13. Even w/ my vast and useless knowledge of vague pop culture references...you've stumped me w/ that response, as cute as that commerical may be. It's exactly that sort of smug intellectualism that makes me hate you.
  14. Neosure, actually...but that sounds pretty badass, like it could give them superpowers or something. I'll ask their doctor. In this crazy mixed up world, it's the things like that make me sleep well at night.
  15. Do you breastfeed in public? If so, I think i'm going to have to hate you too.
  16. For the record, i'd be rooting for Gary in said e-feud...it's about time somebody puts Graham in his place. He's just meanspirited and his holier-than-thou/attention whore bit has become pretty stale.
  17. If I can try to help out there, Yvette had to have an semi-emergency c-section and while there was some slight discomfort for a few weeks after...she said the fact that the boys came out all right made the pain seem almost non-existent. Again, that isn't always the case, but I wouldn't let yourself be too scared by it...if it turns out to be the best way to go about it, you'll be fine. Back to boobs, what I meant to say is that I don't know if i'm completely sold that, in this day and age, breastfeeding is that much better than formula feeding or vice versa. I think both schools of thought
  18. The slight potential for a Graham and Gary e-feud makes my parts tingle...or that could be the M.Chris reverse cowgirl post.
  19. I wouldn't debate the benefits of breastfeeding, but like Teeg's example...I don't know how conclusive the research is on said benefits. Our boys are rounding the base on month six and only one of them had a small bout of the trots when the both of us caught that nasty stomach flu...otherwise, they have been happy and healthy as all get out. I do remember being an 11-year-old in vacation bible school and our teacher, in the middle of class, popped one of her melons right out there...no cover or anything...and started feeding her kid. My buddy, Sneeze, and I bragged about witnessing that to o
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