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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. or start you own 'irrefutably prove god exists and/or a fetus is a person' thread. isn't that really all you keep going back to regardless of the actual intended topic? allowing for the occasional foray into the evils of marketing, of course.
  2. ...or you could talk about the actual election versus debating when a fetus has achieved personhood. whatever.
  3. here. we. go. again. wow. just post a christopher hitchens article and get it over with.
  4. not entirely, i think a lot of his solo work is at least on par w/ a lot of my favorite clash stuff.
  5. In the spirit of bipartisanship...I love Ted Nugent.
  6. pimpin ain't easy...i'm repping you on the blog, buddy. you should sell millions.
  7. 'kids, load up...we're going to the petting zoo!'
  8. i saw my cousin's husband blow the head off a snapping turtle w/ a 357 magnum last summer. our boys slept in a room full of taxidermy. they're from southern illinois.
  9. pedro, well done. that is funny shit. you should just start posting that on random message boards until it reaches 'that's racist!' or 'oh snap!' status of use.
  10. that's where I differ as well. i'd rather not see us have to, but i'm thinking these alternative sources are going to take a while. throw in some concerns over national healthcare and immigration reform that weigh heavy on me enough not to be completely down w/ the party line either.
  11. in his defense, the need occurs because in cases like trying to bash the adminstration over unprovable conspiracy of orchestrating 9/11 versus the scores of tangbile data-driven speaking points on how bad the administration was over the past 8 years...you are doing your cause more harm than good. it's why, as good as obama is, i'm worried about we, his constituency, being the ones that do/say something to short citcuit his campaign and hand shit over once again.
  12. you are either 12 years old, high as a kite or nuts.
  13. it'd never happen, but yes...I agree. still doesn't make that clip any less awesome. fuck off rudy ction. ction...he's a g-man.
  14. in my eyes he was america's mayor too. he did a fanatstic job as mayor during the whole tragedy...it's what makes his public performance since then that much more aggravating. i think he made mention in his speech that he was appalled that the democrats at their convention did not mention 9/11...that they acted like it never happened. i'd ask him, what's worse...acting like it's the ONLY thing that has happened and mentioning it every opportunity you can for political gain. nope. fuck off, rudy.
  15. funniest and, quite frankly, the most (if not only) politically releant show on TV. period. another moment of brilliance.
  16. i don't have tons of time to comment much amidst having to fetch milk/lemondae and fire up rapid fire episodes of wonder pets from on-demand. her delivery of that speech was exactly what it needed to be, but (as stated) the substance of said speech was rife w/ half-truths and some flat-out inaccuracies. plus, as dr. no stated earlier, the ripping on his community work was the part that angered me the most...right or wrong, you can go toe to toe on 'executive' vs. legislative experience and i'll consider it fair game for debate...but slapping unelected community leaders/organizers/volunteers
  17. seems to be the case. i'm not really sure i've seen the dems sitting idle on it and actually going at it w/ the other side at the expense of pounding them on botched economics/foreign policy seems to have worked really well in the past couple of elections.
  18. that is exactly my point. you continue to help them make them legitimate issues by...well...making them legitimate issues! the only people talking about these issues as much, if not more than, the 'religious right'? the overly offended not-so-religious left. frankly, i don't give a shit about the absolutes either side demands in the face of losing my job, not being able to sell my house, entering thunderdome to be able to gas up my car, not being able to afford sending twin boys to college at the same time, worrying about another cold war, etc. believe in god or don't believe in god and mana
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