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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. so did oingo boingo, PIL and a drove of other musicians. i like neil just fine, but wilco's music has always been too multi-faceted to predominantly pin it's sound one just one dude. that said, i'm sure this will be a treat for the band as much as it will be for fans of both artists.
  2. sweet! i'm going to fight the power and watch it later today. thanks!
  3. such a great music doc, fan or not...of which i am, so it was even that more enjoyable. going to have to peep that again, been too long.
  4. watched this... ...last night via free cable on-demand. hadn't seen it in forever...goddamn what a fun movie.
  5. who'd have thought you'd see me post three times in a thread about 'evan almighty' bumped after almost a YEAR and three months?
  6. you are obviously new here...we established along time that starbucks = third reich. meaning, you are a nazi texter. or text nazi. whichever you prefer.
  7. i remember that! you should have hazed him w/ hot dogs, the bastard!
  8. outside of identical twin sisters from brazil? nope, that's pretty def.
  9. i thougth there were moments of brilliance on ATYCLB, at least musically. atomic bomb left me a little meh. see where you are coming from though, kyle. i'm not as spastic about this as i once would have been.
  10. that post would have costed like $89.00 if it was a text message.
  11. my moving into college story: after getting our room assignments and trading several calls w/ my soon-to-be roomie, deadhead pat, to go over who'd be bringing what...the last time i talked to him before move in day, he asked if i could be out of the room when he moved in the day after me. like, make myself scarce. when i asked why, he told me he'd have to fill me in later. so, i move my stuff in on freshman move-in day and make myself scarce the next day for a few hours around the time he said he'd be getting there. turns out, he left EIU after his first semester to go into AA. he told his
  12. agreed. i'll just add that it's a two-way street though...why would you as an individual allow yourself to be subjected to that? there are options to join similar organizations on most campuses that will still allow you to slip rufies in girls drinks and play intramural football while stoned.
  13. even better. i'm sincerely glad you enjoyed it.
  14. yikes. it's bullshit like that makes me understand why people hate fraternities so much when the reality is, most of us ain't like that. the nagain, mine was founded on the principle of no hazing so theres that.
  15. i imagine people communicating through interpretative hippie dancing at freakwater shows...but i've never actually heard freakwater that i'm aware of. if that isn't the case, that is a horrible band name.
  16. that holds true outside of florida...i think the chapter at my alma matter is on social probation every year and have come close to having thier charter revoked just as many times. a bunch of my college friends who have just recently had kids were talking about the whole dropping kids of at college thing the other day...much different outlook on the dads of girls than guys. i think i'll still be a little emotional even with the boys...that is if logan doesn't end up living on our couch until he's 45.
  17. who'd have thought you'd see a thread about 'evan almighty' bumped after almost three months?
  18. i don't know about freakwater, but you know what band has an awesome name? genghis tron. i bet nobody in their right mind texts anybody at a fucking genghis tron show.
  19. eh, i don't mind. gives you something sparkly to focus your eyes on while you tongue in their .
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