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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. i'm pretty sure that our neighbors think we beat both the boys about the kneecaps considering they skin their knees running/climbing around every other day. whenever it happens they show me first thing when i come in the door from work...like a badge of courage or something. also, much to owen's chagrin, logan has added the headlock to his dispute-resolution toolbox.
  2. 'what happened to our youth?' seriously...if he was still releasing tunes like 'loser' or even 'where it's at' at this point in his career, i'd find that kind of sad. also, i think calling this one a 'grower' was an understatement. i'm really enamored w/ this album.
  3. the junior high (possibly high school) age kids who live across the street from me duel w/ giant plastic swords while wearing capes...it makes video games look like a pretty good alternative.
  4. visually imaginative for sure, but i left pretty dissapointed in the film as a whole or, maybe, caught off guard. i can't decide if i didn't like it or not...sure didn't love it and consider it nowhere near on par w/ iron man and even the hulk. the first was a far superior representation of everything i dig about the comic...darker w/ a touch of humor. this tried too hard to be too funny too many times. while not nearly as bad, i had the same feeling in spots as i did during spiderman 3...slightly insulted by the level of goofiness (and i love goofiness). to be fair, there are a few touching
  5. if it wasn't for jesse's ego, i might consider it. seems a stretch for (like matt said) the few voters it could actually entice.
  6. like you said earlier, we're on the same page. i absolve nobody of guilt on either side and don't think anybody should be bailed out either way. my stance was just one of, like a broken record, personal accountability...knowing that there are predatory folks w/in all things financial is all the more reason not to rush into anything. prior to even getting our finances in order, we shopped around for mortgage brokers...based on both reccomendations and our own research. not just about their rates, but their business practices as well. we also took an actual class on purchasing a home through t
  7. no...that isn't really what i said at all. i agree that some, even most, do know what to do...but there are an equal amount that aren't listening. my point was that the way that barrack is addressing these issues and the way jackson/sharpton address these issues, are different.
  8. i hear you, but if it wasn't for simple math...i wouldn't disagree i'm making it simplistic. a mortgage will likely be the biggest financial situation one will go into, big enough that if you don't know the ins and outs of what you are getting into and that you could handle it should even the slightest chance the worst case scenario could happen...keep renting. i'm not saying there weren't plenty of predatory lenders out there, doesn't make someone any less responsible for not knowing what they are getting into. to be blunt, anybody not intelligent enough to know what their mortgage entails,
  9. that he was actually doing that or that you do actually do that? post carefully.
  10. just so we're clear, at no point did i say anybody should look the other way when the government makes itself more answerable to big business than the public. nor did i say, that anybody who is taking them to task is doing so at the expense of taking care of their families. to be fair, i think some people who are priortizing what battles they engage w/ our government on and/or expressing their displeasure in other less 'vocal' ways...are unfairly getting accused of 'looking the other way'. yet, we end up calling them stupid and clueless and tell them their heads are in the sand. i also thi
  11. take it to pm. jnick, see my response to cousin tupelo...i think this is another case of not neccesarily disagreeing w/ your overall point, more so the degree of the issue. i
  12. maybe if have a different definition of liberal then, as i find what you desribed to be completely in line w/ my viewpoint as well...especially the points in bold. my definition of an overly liberal viewpoint, would be what i see to be a complete disregard for those points in bold. i really do believe that there are those out there who genuinely need a great deal of assistance to live and feel those people should be helped, by all of us. where i seem to differ is the perception of how many of those like that are out there and that some of the ideas being thrown around encapsulate a larger pa
  13. you're right, but i guess what i'm still missing is how the people that would be suing said phone companies were affected enough for me to be clamoring that protection from litigation is doing something other than proving a point they were wrong. the precedent point is a good one though, but again that just takes me back to my statement that, personally, i have nothing to say worth wiretapping me for. a little shallow, sure...but i have to pick my battles. again, not arguing that what happened wasn't illegal, wrong or something that they shouldn't be held accountable for...i'm just trying to
  14. a solid energy policy and some health care reform is great...i don't feel that a fully socialized approach for everyone is right or even feasible, but we've argued that before. let me flip this, as i wasn't the one who said our entire government no longer takes any our interests into any consideration...while i agree that there is a lot they could be doing better, exactly what aren't they providing YOU right now that is deterring you from being able to provide a decent life for your family? is your quality of life REALLY that bad? and if somebody pipes in w/ 'fuck everybody else', let me h
  15. sorry, 'law of the land' was a complete misnomer and i get all of the other points by those dissapointed in the result. what i'm still missing is how opening them up for litigation really affects anything enough for me to see this as a hugely dissapointing issue. i'm not saying i agree w/ it, i just don't see this as a 'sky is falling' vote that would put me off obama or call him bush II.
  16. completely correct...and that is what we have going on now.
  17. to be more specific, a guy coming from a fresh perspective that thinks members of his racial community don't need to be pandered to and held down so he can substantiate his presence in politics (AKA job security).
  18. dude, why? rove's a dick, we've more than established that...NEW ELECTION THREAD.
  19. that's what i was wondering. if you look at 'the joint' in the las vegas hard rock casino and the house of blues in mandalay bay...they are no different than the venues anywhere else not attached to a casino. sounds like 'the venue' in the horseshoe is no different. like blue said, i think it's pretty out there to lump them in on a classic rock-ish nostalgia trip.
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