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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. 'oil = the horse drawn carriage industry' is the new 'oil = heroin' .
  2. Vonnegut is fine...I just thought the piece posted had a funny quote and, really, didn't change my mind that the heroin/oil thing is goofy and dramatic. that's all.
  3. i think we need to figure out how to do both until these alternative sources of energy are viable enough to fully replace said oil.
  4. prior to keystone's introduction somewhere around my sophmore year...schaeffer light. i'd splurge on mickey's big mouths and/or little kings.
  5. i've said it before and i'll say it again...ain't no better strip club than a canadian strip club. thanks toronto, thanks CANADA.
  6. hey, miss y, could you tell mr. bratt the goatee looks fly...he should keep w/ that look. p.s. no, i'm not gay.
  7. i just had 3 bad beer flashbacks to college while catching up w/ this thread. our 'cheap case of beer' was keystone light...it was so watered down, it had no taste. it'll still get you drunk. unfortunately, most of the bars where i went to school had Natty Light on tap...*shudder*
  8. sith lord and trust me, once you go dark side...you don't go back.
  9. 'oil = heroin' is the new 'bush = hitler'. seriously, this thread, pure gold.
  10. didn't they have a whole seinfeld episode about people not getting the cartoons in the new yorker? whatever. it's perfectly fine satire, it just missed the mark on the objective if said objective was to point out the misconceptions about obama to a large amount of people. even if someone doesn't look at it and think obama is a terrorist, (like my wife) they may think that the new yorker is unfairly trying to paint him as one...still making it uneffective.
  11. miss y, saw two freaking previews for this show when i went to see hellboy over the weekend...and than another commercial for it on TV when i got home. looks like they've got some marketing behind it!
  12. i hate to say it, i really have become a beer elitist. i can still imbibe a cold bud/miller should the setting dictate so, but i really can't stand it. granted, an ice cold old style at wrigley always seems to taste better than any microbrew.
  13. The free movie slection on my cable company's on-demand have been stellar as of late. Over the past week or so, I watched that and:
  14. none. 'it must be nice to have no soul' is the new 'how do you look at yoruself in the mirror'. brilliant!
  15. i'm sure it's avail on blu-ray, maybe. dude, i get the trade paperbacks that collect a slew of issues versus trying to go comic by comic. i don't have the time, nor money. definitely flip through one of the hellboy TPB's next time you are in borders or barnes & noble.
  16. yeah, grab the DVD if you ever get the chance. totally worth it. i know you aren't a big comic book guy that i'm aware of, but i also reccomend peeping the comic next time you are at a bookstore. very, very cool stuff.
  17. oh man, you should at least check out the first flick...i think you'll see what i'm saying. that said, w/out that frame of reference, i think your assesment was probably dead on. don't get me wrong, i still had fun going to see it...i was just so blown away by the first one, it set the bar pretty high for me.
  18. if you were here right now, i'd give you a kiss straight on the mouth for that post. i'm lifting that for my sig.
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