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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. and before anybody takes that out of context and hits the report button/misogny alarm, that comes w/ a gurantee she would come through the window completely unscathed and, perfereably, oiled up in cocoa butter. w/ a box of steaks and fine microbrews. and an entire set of mint-condition batman comics.
  2. but, in fairness, that's a pretty big COULD. the level of freedom of speech/expression that we still have here is pretty unparalleled. and i FULLY endorse the act of nudity as an act of protest. hell, throw a nude woman through my window...as long as she's hot.
  3. to be fair on the auspices of 'seeing what you want to see'...didn't they tell her a couple of times not to cross the police barricade or she'd be arrested? and then she did so anyhow? hardly antagnostic, but she hardly stood in one place either. should she have been arrested, probably not...but she didin't have to cross the line either. and... i guess i'm just not buying into that this was some GOP-orchestrated attack on the freedom of speech/protest. or even that you had bad cops purposely attacking innocent protestors. again thank that 'welcoming committee' for messing things up for
  4. i'm all for peaceful expression of opinion that doesn't involve fucking up public property or infringes on other peoples rights to express their opinions too. again, sounds like some bad apples...doing a hell of a great marketing campaign for 'anarchy'. where do i sign? i get that they are a group of people not officially involved w/ the protest, but these 'mix of thugs' have been planning for a time ahead of the convention as well. their known existence at the convention does warrant some heightened security, no? if anything, equal amount of disdain being given to the cops should be given t
  5. Nice. Sounds like the overall march was pretty peaceful, but these morons really did some damage. Way to make a point...or not, as they are anarchists, or whatever. i'm not condoning any of the raids, but if the local authorities were aware of activities planned by groups like this...i don't know.
  6. i was talking about the actual demonstrations at the convention.
  7. i'm only going by what i heard on the radio this morning, but just exactly how 'peaceful' was said protest? sounds like there was a lot of damage to public property involved.
  8. yep. personally, the whole experience thing doesn't register that high w/ me either. definitely no evidence that having more experience in government makes a good president...look at W's second term.
  9. i already know how bad of a typist i am, but when i see my last post come up in quotes...wow.
  10. i don't think it that's the point though. what he can criticize is the mccain endorsed message that obama isn't ready because of experieince. big difference. if anything, it looks flip-floppy...and i thought the republican crowd hates bot the flipping and the flopping? it's also what, real or not, creates the air of very little else than tokenism based on his original stance that experience = ability to lead.
  11. and the post above is exactly the response that will be given by the mccain camp when they are called on it.
  12. really though, like i said earlier, i really hope the voters they are trying to entice can see that. i intitially was in the 'it won't sway my vote but it's brilliant' camp, but now i'm thinking w/ the right amount of public outcry it could backfire. hard.
  13. yeah, i don't think he ever used the term 'dead' (kind of 'irresponsible' to pin that on him, yeah?) and to be fair, hang-ups w/ race amongst people of his generation aren't near to the level of old. there have been some excellent articles to that extent, that i look at very postively.
  14. dude, they set the location and dates of the convetions way before they have a candidate. and, at both conventions, the acceptance of the presidential nomination and resulting speech are always last. you know i love you, kid...but damn are you looking for somethign to be pissed off and contrarian about.
  15. anybody who makes a candidate's race, skin color, etc. - basically, anything but their platform and ability to make it happen - their highest priority (if a priority at all) for earning their vote scares me somewhat. as much as i dug into hillary during the primaries, i would hope that her female supporters did so out of her ability to lead and can see that at least part of the decision has been made as a marketing ploy... and, personally, i thought that obama's speech last night transcended any historical relevence/racial ties to MLK...his race is not that exciting of a thing to me.
  16. so your saying i should just watch the youtube clip of lisa loeb parading around in a thong on that short-lived Issac Mizrahi talk show? damn.
  17. Hop on Pop and i'm having VC de ja vu in posting that.
  18. love the cover, not a big fan of the photorealistic approach to the art inside. so far, only alex ross has been able to do that and me able to still get into it.
  19. i take back my 'she should do more' comment.
  20. nah, but i will say my boys are aleady adept at both the brainbuster and slingshot suplex...
  21. yep. that book was really eye-opening to me on how the replacement replacements ended up in the context of the band's history...and, like w/ steve, in life in general. that bash & pop album was the goods, for what it's worth.
  22. sweet jesus. i'll have to DL this later. is it any good?
  23. i have nothing to offer as both fight club and thunderdome references have already been spoken for.
  24. will there be pie? just to be clear, i'm not saying she isn't doing her part...i just agreed she could be doing it better.
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