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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. he did a few campaign stops w/ ric flair too. if it would have ended up a huckabee/nature boy ticket, i would have bought a yard sign and put it up. don't know if i would have actually voted for it, but it would make me hesitate for moment when it came time to punch the ballot.
  2. 'city in ruins' took on whole new meaning for me when it opened that thing. i'll tell the one that makes me mist up to this day...faith hill doing 'there will come a day'. when the choir kicks in, i nearly lose it. it's the context some of those songs were performed in...they took on a whole new meaning. chilling, really.
  3. i posted the U2 clip from the tribute to heroes deal on my blog today. hadn't watched it in a long time, but it brought back a lot of feelings like it was yesterday. Matt Z, again, great post and good karma to you, man.
  4. I think I posted this a few years ago. I sent this email out 4 days after to a long list of family friends (this was before blogging was so commonplace). Every year I clean up my massive 'sent' box, I can never bring myself to get rid of it:
  5. honestly, i barely remember the entire day. i was driving into work, listening to a CD versus the radio and i got a page from a co-worker: 'are you near a TV and seeing this?! there are planes flying into the WTC.' i disregarded it, as i couldn't even fathom it being anything other than a weird, tasteless joke. as i entered work and walked past our workout facility...i saw it was packed w/ people surrounding the TV's that line the ceiling. stone cold silence. i watched the initial footage of the 1st plane and then headed to my desk, passing throug hthe cafeteria where 10X the amount of peo
  6. ...and lead/unite the country once in office? sure. unless you traded your iPod for a crystal ball, we could armchair QB all day long about who would fare better...but i'll just stay confident that the right choice was made on both fronts.
  7. Replying to 8th election thread: sounds good. thanks for mentioning it then.
  8. seriously, good luck. my kids aren't at an age to understand 90% of what comes out my mouth...this type of discussion, once they reach an age of understanding what is happening around them, scares the shit out of me. and ditto on the heart thing to anybody affected by both 9/11 and iraq.
  9. personally, i think her sex and whether she qualifies as a feminist or not should have no part in how qualified she is to assist in leading the country. same way obama's race should have no part in how qualified she is to assist in leading the country. the whole discussion is a boondoggle and, IMO, one the mccain camp seems willing to exploit in the face of telling hillary to toughen up and not play the gender card...or obama the race card. to be fair, i think focusing by those of us in the democratic camp on racial overtones in that sex ed ad takes away from the more legitimate beef that
  10. question for kwall and/or bleedorange...do you think the claims of sexism on the part of the obama camp are accurate? what about the media? not an attack, just curious.
  11. it's comments like that, that would probably put you on the shortlist of 'legitimately intelligent people i actually know'. this whole campaign is akin to watching 'mean girls'...except w/out the seductive santa dance at the school talent show...which is a reccomendation to either campaign: skin to win or i go bobob on you and never vote again.
  12. duh. 'That's how many days the Senate was actually in session and working.' because when they aren't actually physically in session...he's playing basketball.
  13. i agree to a certain extent, but address them and move on. plus, as far as obama is concerned, let biden and your other campaign folks run defense and/or offense, depending on the scenario. he's becoming more fired up on addressing the lack of focus as a whole recently, which is the right way to approach it. don't get bogged down in addressing sarah palin or what she's said yourself...you aren't running against palin. you and joe biden are running against mccain/palin. don't get me wrong, the passive/agressive double-standards w/ the whole sexism claims by the republican camp is pure insanit
  14. exactly. that post combined w/ john smith's perfect 'falling into the trap' statement were part of my ire yesterday. let's continue to engage in debates over gaffes or issues like abortion and religion that have gone in circles forever and will continue to go in circles forever versus focusing on tangible issues w/ real historical data that can be used as a basis for legitimate discourse and, IMO as an obama supporter, a solid case for why we shouldn't elect mccain. i understand that these are imporant issues to folks and i'm not asking anybody to ignore them, just for equal (if not higher p
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