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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. a couple of you seem hell-bent on bleeding the line between the response from the people of the U.S. and it's government. i realize it's cool to have a hard-on for bashing the current administration and i would definitely agree that they bastardized any legitimate sense of patriotism/community into something ugly...but c'mon, in the context of how the american people would/could react to an attack on american soil, it serves to show we can unite in a time of need. i get it, bush sucks and all american people (except for j.nick) are too fat/stupid to take care of themselves. i agree on the fi
  2. first responders and greater national volunteerism/support to NYC in the immediate wake of the actual tragedy?! i'll give you that we didn't build upon that as a country and that our administration ended using the event to create further divide rather than unify, but wow. that's not a nation with it's shit together?
  3. relative to how big of an undertaking the whole avengers thing is, i'm cautiously optimistic. i'm definitley excited for an iron man sequel w/ the madarin and could be re-excited about additional spidey flicks, if they try to get back to more of a focused approach I saw in the second film. i just recently finished jeph loeb/tim sale's 'spiderman: blue' and forgot how much excellent source material there is to pull from, especially in the way of villains. that said, it also made me realize just how much they botched the whole gwen/mj/peter relationship via the third movie.
  4. no, you didn't. my apologies. you're right, let them burn in hell.
  5. yes, i'm sure the large support/adminstrative staff, building services, human resources, etc., all of them, have scrooge mcduck sized vaults of their extra windfall. awesome.
  6. you do understand that not every single person that works for these firms are the one that set the company policies that i would agree with you on being questionable. in fact, those who had little to do with implementing the ledning policies are likely the majority. or is everybody who worked for these firms 'guilty'?! if the answer is yes, You've got to be fucking kidding me.
  7. yeah, i'm not really sure i can find anything good about this.
  8. very true. i should have bolded 'look at spreading a little of that around'. bottom line, whether you think you have to worry about this affecting you or not...please, make sure.
  9. throw in strains on the FDIC making the money in your bank accounts much less safe or at least hard to get at. if you've got over $100K tied up in your bank, might not be a bad idea to look at spreading a little of that around.
  10. i'd rather just buy a few 'change' t-shirts and yard signs...this is an issue NOW, not just a campaign bullet point.
  11. after agent fees, taxes, prior home improvements, buyer requested improvements...my neighbors just sold their home at a loss. man, i'm crossing my fingers for something to improve or even level out in the next 2 years before we look to getr outta' ours.
  12. so, am I still supposed to think that the economic policies of the last 8 years were good ones and the economy is getting healthier?! frankly, i'm scared shitless about things as a whole.
  13. you know, i've never really dug the rap stylings of mr. wayne, but i'll have to check out the clips. watching BTILC is pretty much the most appropriate alternative to anything...SNL and beyond.
  14. Oh man. Absolutely. Losing a personal hero/inspiration is never an easy thing. My sincere condolences.
  15. i don't 'play' the market, but via my retirement accounts, my kids college account and the overall affect on the housing market that edie alluded to...i can't afford to 'lose' either, this is some bad shit.
  16. i'm at the point today that whichever candidate can: 1. Get all the fucking water out of my damn garage, 2. Get the one son that is upstairs repeating ' to infinity and beyond' over and over to actually take his damn nap. 3. Make a beer run and get me another case of Honker's Ale (on him, of course). 4. Fix me a raost beef sandwich, as I haven't had time to eat today. 5. Provide me fully nude pictures of in-their-prime-but-not-too-young connie stevens and/or annette funicello. ...has my vote. policy be damned. BONUS: i'll actually stump for whichever candidate has pics of nude pictures o
  17. found something i heard on the radio yeaterday interesting. gas prices are up, so we're buying less gas, so the state is collecting less tax money, so roadwork/school funding is almost depleted, so the federal government had to pump millions back into state budgets. this is a mess.
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