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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. this is such a great little suggestion. as a kid, one of my favorite things about summer was all the garage sales. i amassed a large chunk of my earlier books, comics, LP's and toys from digging into my piggy bank and hitting them up. i still stop at them every so often for the hope of finding the odd treasure.
  2. i think there was plenty of context in his observation, even better articulated in sweetheart-mine's post. i have no 'hatred' towards her and i didn't read any in the original post in question...i just completely agree with it. if you really want to make a case for your supporters backing obama, emphaticaly tell them to give their delegate votes to him...i think she's stated they could do what they want w/ them.
  3. as you should...dude, selling those at a yard sale is nuts. a little more work to put them on ebay, but i bet you'd get more $ for them.
  4. my folks sold my grandfather's house and they had a garage/yard sale to clear out the stuff we weren't keeping w/ the family. sale was supposed to start on a friday. on thursday, they had to open up the garage to organize the stuff and clean it up, etc...people showed up off the street while driving by and they had sold almost 1/2 of the stuff before the first official day. crazy.
  5. worth it just for the Jamie Hewlett animated opening and closing credits. maybe it's a little too '1995', but there have been much, much worse film adapatations of good comic books (i.e. Judge Dredd). silly fun.
  6. and i have a hard time taking a definitive stand on the death penalty. there are some genuinely evil people out there, who have done genuinely evil things and there is a part of me that thinks that death is the only punishment that fits. especially if they feel no remorse or guilt over their actions. however, i'd have a hard time personally sentencing anyone who did not definitively meet those standards (or lack thereof).
  7. i can't speak for them, but my guess is a personal interpretation/distinction that abortion constitutes ending an innocent life and the death penalty a guilty one. i realize there is a lot of grey area in botht defition of 'life' relative to abortion and even more in how someone is found guility in a court of law...but at face value, they are pretty different. the war argument much, much harder to navigate...but, again, one could argue intent and level of control in the death of the innocent in question. the scale of those affected also treads into apple/orange territory. it's why i'm pro-
  8. my family thanksgiving get-togethers are scary?
  9. which is EXACTLY what you want. i think ours may have been telling us what we wanted to hear versus what we needed to hear...or he was really just that bad of an inspector. granted, some of them can be a bit 'gregarious' from what i've heard as well, but better that than someone who is just kind of checking boxes.
  10. i know it's been said a bazillion times...but a good home inspector is worth his/her weight in gold. mine was a super nice guy, but missed soooo many things he should have warned us about. this is even more key if you are looking at older homes. also, allison, you and tully should move out my way...there is a home for sale right across the street in fact. he and i can build a clubhouse in my backyard.
  11. the entire segment leading up to the opening credits in 'raising arizona'.
  12. while i completely agree, this (IMO) is the root of the debate at hand in this thread. it's also the thing that frustrates me in these seemingly never ending debates on the merits/evils of faith/religion. i've said it before, nobody...NOBODY...has an official pie chart of any sort that shows the exact split of people affected postively or negatively from religious efforts. even less quantifiable is how the concept of faith has helped people through less tangible struggles in their lives. we've established that both good/bad have been done in god's name...but is my faith is personal...until i
  13. one of my favorite movie posters of all time. outside of being outrageously corny, i don't really feel that TV ad being that blasphemous. now, if they co-op 'ferris bueller' for an ad...i'll boycott the possbility of me ever buying my clothes at JC Penny (no, I don't shop there).
  14. Here's a third: 'So, Mr. Hitchens, Weren't You Wrong About Iraq?' by Christopher Hitchens and I read several more than that. What will watching his debates tell me outside of what i'm already reading, specifically? It's great he's well spoken, but i'd be a little more impressed if he was saying something of merit.
  15. that we weren't actually lied to? and how abu ghraib isn't that bad? yep, pretty persuasive.
  16. isn't hitchens pretty pro-bush relative to foreign policy, more specifically in iraq? not that i give two shits about this guy's views on MY faith...but supporting the debacle that is iraq is enough for me to give him a big gold star sticker w/ 'douchebag' on it to put on his fridge. jnick, i'm pretty surprised you could still dig him knowing that and how you seem to be big on absolutes.
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